Andrew Sfekas analyzes complex antitrust and competition matters. Dr. Sfekas has extensive experience with mergers in a variety of industries, and with antitrust issues arising in healthcare and the life sciences. He manages teams to support experts and attorneys across all phases of commercial litigation and regulatory investigations.
Mergers and acquisitions
Dr. Sfekas consults on a range of merger and acquisition matters. His expertise includes early evaluation, engagement with antitrust agencies, second requests, preparation of reports following complaints, and trials. He has worked on horizontal and vertical transactions. Dr. Sfekas has addressed M&A issues in agriculture, healthcare, health insurance, information technology, manufacturing, streaming media, and retail banking, among others. His work has included the Second Request production of large and complex databases.
Antitrust in healthcare and life sciences
Dr. Sfekas has expertise in complex antitrust cases involving healthcare providers, health insurers, and pharmaceutical manufacturers. In these contexts, he has supported experts in matters related to allegations of vertical restraints and anticompetitive pricing practices, including liability and damages assessments. As part of this work, he has led teams in analyzing large medical claims databases.
Cornerstone Research Staff and Affiliated Experts Submit Comments on the Joint FTC-DOJ Draft Merger Guidelines