Valuation is a core competency for Cornerstone Research and integral to many of the matters on which we consult. For example, our staff and experts provide consulting and expert witness testimony in litigation matters involving business valuation in the context of M&A and other corporate transactions, valuation of specific business assets, valuation of intellectual property, assessment of lost profits, contract valuation and corporate restructurings, and valuation of financial instruments and specific interests. Our professionals and experts have in-depth expertise in valuation issues and use the full range of valuation tools, including discounted cash flow analysis, comparable company analysis, comparable precedent transaction analysis, option pricing, and other advanced techniques. Our experts have also assessed the available market evidence, including trading data and the contemporaneous actions of market participants.

We approach valuation matters using sound finance and economics principles applied to the circumstances of each case.

Featured Practice Experts

Our extensive network includes top experts from academia and industry.

Valuation Capabilities

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have analyzed economic, financial, governance, and accounting issues arising in M&A, take-private transactions, hostile takeovers, proxy contests and shareholder activism, appraisal actions, asset sales, spin-offs, equity carve-outs, freeze-outs, financings, restructurings, and other corporate transactions. We have addressed complex valuation and damages issues in M&A and other corporate transactions using the full gambit of valuation tools. We have addressed these issues in the context of ongoing transactions and post-transaction disputes.

Our staff and experts have worked on these complex cases in federal courts, the Delaware Court of Chancery, and other state courts as well as internationally in venues such as the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands. Our network of experts includes preeminent academics, industry professionals with investment banking, venture capital, and private equity backgrounds, board members, and other transaction advisors. Our network of experts also includes nationally recognized experts in corporate law, corporate control, and governance.

Our staff and experts have expertise in the valuation of goodwill and intellectual property. Combined with our expertise in securities, we provide our clients with practical approaches to the valuation of specific assets, including patents, trade secrets, product lines, operating divisions, and subsidiaries.

The valuation expertise of Cornerstone Research professionals and experts includes matters involving corporate restructurings, reorganizations, and bankruptcies. We have performed analyses related to solvency opinions as well as addressed issues related to capital adequacy, capital markets access, syndicated loans, high-yield bond finance, and credit rating opinions. We also have experience in assessing claims of fraudulent conveyance and the impact of market and policy factors on a firm’s value or ability to operate as a going concern.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have expertise in the valuation of options, warrants, convertible and preferred securities, and various other financial derivatives. We have worked on matters involving forwards, futures, swaps, vanilla and exotic options, and structured products across equities, interest rates, credit, foreign exchange, precious metals, and commodities markets, as well as mortgage and other asset-backed securities. We have also evaluated employee stock options and restricted stock units (RSUs) as well as specific interests such as minority shareholder stakes in both public and private firms.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts analyze a range of strategic, valuation, and financial issues that arise in litigation related to private equity and venture capital. Our consultants and experts are frequently retained by counsel representing a variety of clients in the private equity and venture capital sectors, including general partners (GPs), limited partners (LPs), acquisition targets, banks, founders, and more.

Our staff and experts have evaluated noncompete agreements, technology development agreements, joint venture agreements, and supply and purchase agreements using techniques such as Monte Carlo simulations.

Our valuation experience spans a vast array of industries, including consumer goods, education, energy, entertainment, financial institutions (including banking, hedge funds, venture capital/private equity, insurance, fintech, and crypto-related entities), healthcare and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, metals and mining, real estate and construction, retail, technology, telecommunications, and transportation, among others.

Featured Cases

Featured Publications

Valuation of Early-Stage Firms Implied by SAFEs and Convertible Notes 14 January 2025

Valuation of Early-Stage Firms Implied by SAFEs and Convertible Notes

This article discusses the valuation of Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) and convertible (promissory) notes.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2024 Update 2 October 2024

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2024 Update

Large corporate bankruptcy filings continued to climb in the latter half of 2023 through the first half of 2024.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress 17 September 2024

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress

This report examines trends in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings.

Parallel Derivative Action Settlement Outcomes: 2023 Review and Analysis 14 August 2024

Parallel Derivative Action Settlement Outcomes: 2023 Review and Analysis

The authors examine settlement outcomes of derivative lawsuits linked to securities class actions between 2019 and 2023.

Large Corporate Bankruptcy Filings Surged in First Half of 2023 26 September 2023

Large Corporate Bankruptcy Filings Surged in First Half of 2023

Increase in large corporate bankruptcy filings driven by companies in retail trade, services, and manufacturing.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2023 Update 26 September 2023

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2023 Update

The increase in large corporate bankruptcies in the first half of 2023 marked a reversal from a gradual decline in filings since the start of 2021.

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2022 5 April 2023

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2022

Court-awarded premiums have also fallen sharply as court rulings have relied more on market evidence and deal price.

Volume of 2022 Delaware Shareholder Appraisal Petitions Returns to Pre-Boom Levels as Court Decisions Have Made Appraisal Litigation Riskier 5 April 2023

Volume of 2022 Delaware Shareholder Appraisal Petitions Returns to Pre-Boom Levels as Court Decisions Have Made Appraisal Litigation Riskier

Court-awarded premiums have also fallen sharply as court rulings have relied more on market evidence and deal price.

2023 WWL: Thought Leaders USA – Commercial Litigation – Expert Witnesses 27 January 2023

2023 WWL: Thought Leaders USA – Commercial Litigation – Expert Witnesses

Ilya Strebulaev of Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) is recognized among expert witnesses in U.S. commercial litigation.

Q&A with Ilya Strebulaev 19 January 2023

Q&A with Ilya Strebulaev

WWL interviewed Professor Strebulaev about expert witness work, venture capital trends, and advice he gives to developing corporate finance experts.

How can we help you?

For more information or assistance with a specific matter, please contact us.