
Our accomplished team of economic experts has extensive experience consulting and communicating with the agencies on behalf of our clients.

Merger Review Capabilities

Many of our merger review experts have served as agency economists at the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), European Commission (EC), and Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), among others. Their insight into how enforcers think about economic issues in merger review gives our clients an advantage when planning and navigating merger review proceedings.

In addition, our experience working on behalf of the agencies on merger reviews and litigation enables us to effectively assist our merging party clients and support them in transitioning to litigation when necessary.

For merging parties, it is important to understand the agency’s concerns and engage with the agency on how a specific industry or market operates. We work with merging parties to provide relevant economic analyses and respond to agency requests, including assisting with data and document production and providing analytical support for expert white papers or agency presentations.

Our experience with agencies in the United States and Europe enables us to communicate credibly and effectively on behalf of merging parties. The agencies frequently retain us to offer independent opinions about whether a merger raises antitrust concerns.

Before a deal comes before the agencies, we provide merging parties with assessments of antitrust risks and strategies to address potential agency concerns. Consulting while the deal is being structured can help parties avoid costly and disruptive reviews.

Our deep experience with mergers that end up in litigation, and advance to trial, offers our clients an advantage from the earliest stages of a transaction’s review. Understanding how deals proceed to litigation—and are evaluated domestically and internationally—informs our perspective through the review stages. We can proactively counsel clients on how to approach a combination before it ever sees litigation, while also preparing for its possibility when relevant. Our consistently high-quality work on both merger reviews and litigation also gives clients peace of mind that our team can transition from one phase of a deal to another when necessary.

With offices in the United States, London, and Brussels, Cornerstone Research provides the expertise and capabilities to assist with international reviews. Our consulting and affiliated academic experts have advised parties in merger proceedings before enforcement bodies worldwide, including Europe, Australia, and China.

Our merger investigations team has worked in a wide range of industries, including:

  • agriculture and food
  • consumer goods
  • energy
  • financial services
  • healthcare
  • health insurance
  • manufacturing
  • media and entertainment
  • medical devices
  • pharmaceuticals
  • retail
  • technology
  • telecommunications
  • transportation

Featured Cases

Featured Publications

15 August 2024

Cornerstone Research Welcomes Experienced Consultants in Competition Policy, Antitrust and Merger Review to London Team

Elisa Mariscal and Tuba Toru Delibasi further expand the firm’s antitrust and competition capabilities in the UK and EU.

13 August 2024

WWL: Competition—Economists 2024

Who’s Who Legal (WWL) and Global Competition Review recognised Cornerstone Research academic experts and consulting professionals as global leaders...

29 July 2024

Our Curious Amalgam: How Do We Measure Innovation?

In an American Bar Association podcast, Penka Kovacheva of Cornerstone Research discussed how M&A affects innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.

4 June 2024

Procompetitive Effects of Mergers in the 2023 Merger Guidelines: What Counts and Where?

The authors provide an overview of the Agencies’ guidance for assessing procompetitive effects in merger evaluation, with a focus on changes in in ...

7 May 2024

Assessing the Potential for Incentives to Raise Prices in Multi-Sided Platform Mergers

The authors review the challenges of assessing anticompetitive pricing incentives in horizontal multi-sided platform mergers.

10 April 2024

Cornerstone Research Staff and Affiliated Expert Win 2024 Antitrust Writing Awards

Concurrences Review recognized winners in the intellectual property and mergers categories, selected from leading antitrust and competition article...

17 March 2024

2023 Merger Guidelines Addressing Potential Impacts on Workers

In this article from The Threshold, the authors recap an American Bar Association panel on theories of labor harm in mergers.

23 February 2024

Cornerstone Research Shortlisted for 2024 GCR Awards

Global Competition Review recognizes the firm’s work on high-profile 2023 matters, and shortlists Celeste Saravia as Economist of the Year.

20 February 2024

Brussels Team Expands with Experienced Competition Hire

Dr. Norbert Maier joins Cornerstone Research, with deep antitrust law and competition expertise from the EU Commission DG COMP team.

8 February 2024

Trends in Merger Investigations and Enforcement at the U.S. Antitrust Agencies: Fiscal Years 2005-2022

In fiscal year 2022, merger transactions and second requests decreased from the prior year.

How can we help you?

For more information or assistance with a specific matter, please contact us.