Cornerstone Research has worked on numerous litigation matters involving mergers and acquisitions (M&A) and other corporate transactions across a vast array of industries. Our professionals and experts have applied sophisticated analytical tools and provided testimony in a wide range of M&A and other matters involving both public and private companies.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have analyzed economic, financial, governance, and accounting issues arising in M&A, take-private transactions, hostile takeovers, proxy contests and shareholder activism, appraisal actions, asset sales, spin-offs, equity carve-outs, freeze-outs, financings, restructurings, and other corporate transactions. We have addressed these issues in the context of ongoing transactions and post-transaction disputes.

We have worked on these complex cases in federal courts, the Delaware Court of Chancery, and other state courts as well as internationally in venues such as the Grand Court of the Cayman Islands. Our network of experts includes preeminent academics, industry professionals with investment banking, venture capital, and private equity backgrounds, board members, and other transaction advisors. Our network of experts also includes nationally recognized experts in corporate law, corporate control, and governance.

Featured Practice Experts

Our extensive network includes top experts from academia and industry.

M&A and Corporate Transaction Litigation Capabilities

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have experience with matters involving breach of fiduciary duty, appraisal, and breach of contract as well as other disputes arising in connection with M&A transactions, including entire fairness disputes, disputes regarding adequacy of the deal process, and shareholder derivative actions. Our staff and experts have provided consulting advice and expert witness testimony in matters involving valuation and fairness of transaction price, material adverse change (MAC) and material adverse effect (MAE) claims, adequacy of due diligence claims, earn-out disputes, and special purpose acquisition company (SPAC) transactions.

We have consulted on matters involving both public and private companies in a variety of industries, including consumer goods, education, energy, entertainment, financial institutions (including banking, hedge funds, venture capital/private equity, insurance, fintech, and crypto-related entities), healthcare and pharmaceuticals, manufacturing, metals and mining, real estate and construction, retail, technology, telecommunications, and transportation, among others.

In addition to addressing numerous issues in M&A matters, Cornerstone Research professionals and experts also have expertise in matters involving corporate restructurings, reorganizations, and bankruptcies. We have performed analyses related to solvency opinions as well as addressed issues related to capital adequacy, capital markets access, syndicated loans, high-yield bond finance, and credit rating opinions. We also have experience in assessing claims of fraudulent conveyance and the impact of market and policy factors on a firm’s value or ability to operate as a going concern.

Valuation is an integral part of many of the matters on which we consult. Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have analyzed complex valuation and damages issues in M&A and other corporate transaction litigation using approaches such as discounted cash flow analysis, comparable company analysis, comparable precedent transaction analysis, option pricing, and other advanced techniques. We have assessed the adequacy of consideration or reasonably equivalent value, including direct and indirect benefits exchanged in M&A and other corporate transactions. We have evaluated fairness opinions and compared alternative bids. We have also valued complex securities and specific interests including warrants, options, debt instruments, credit derivatives, convertible and preferred securities, and minority shareholder stakes in both public and private firms. Our experts have also assessed available market evidence, including trading data and the contemporaneous actions of market participants.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have addressed corporate governance allegations in M&A and other corporate transaction disputes, including alleged failures by a target company’s board to organize a competitive sales process and set up necessary committees; insufficient disclosures or misrepresentations in merger filings; and conflicts of interest related to executive noncompete agreements, change-of-control pay, and retention by the acquirer. We have addressed corporate governance issues in various matters, including those involving a controlling shareholder, alleged insider trading, and in the context of entire fairness disputes.

To address these allegations, Cornerstone Research has analyzed governance standards and industry practices for deal process, proxy disclosures, merger terms, and executive pay.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have analyzed the customs and practices of due diligence in the context of M&A, private equity, venture capital, debt capital markets, and other corporate transactions. Our academic and industry experts have evaluated the actions of various parties involved in M&A and other corporate transactions and whether the due diligence undertaken in a transaction was consistent with customs and practices. Our staff and experts have addressed factors that companies may consider in determining the scope of due diligence for a potential transaction as well as factors that may limit the scope of information available to the potential acquirer at the time of due diligence.

Cornerstone Research has addressed issues related to accounting and tax treatment in the context of ongoing transactions and post-merger disputes. Our staff and experts have provided consulting and expert witness testimony addressing various accounting treatments (based on accounting standards such as GAAP or IFRS), post-closing working capital adjustments, material adverse change (MAC) claims, adequacy of due diligence claims, earn-out disputes, and claims related to accounting fraud.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts have worked on disputes over a target company’s response to an acquisition proposal. Our experts have opined on the rationale for and economic effects of target and acquirer strategies. We have addressed valuation and other issues arising in this context.

Cornerstone Research professionals and experts work with merging parties, third parties, and enforcement agencies at all stages of merger investigations in the U.S., UK, EU, and other jurisdictions. We provide our clients with insight into the merger review process and substantial experience navigating the agencies’ requests. Additionally, clients turn to us for their most complex litigation because we have a network of experts who are sought-after leaders in merger analysis.

Featured Cases

Featured Publications

Valuation of Early-Stage Firms Implied by SAFEs and Convertible Notes 14 January 2025

Valuation of Early-Stage Firms Implied by SAFEs and Convertible Notes

This article discusses the valuation of Simple Agreements for Future Equity (SAFEs) and convertible (promissory) notes.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2024 Update 2 October 2024

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2024 Update

Large corporate bankruptcy filings continued to climb in the latter half of 2023 through the first half of 2024.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress 17 September 2024

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress

This report examines trends in Chapter 7 and Chapter 11 bankruptcy filings.

Parallel Derivative Action Settlement Outcomes: 2023 Review and Analysis 14 August 2024

Parallel Derivative Action Settlement Outcomes: 2023 Review and Analysis

The authors examine settlement outcomes of derivative lawsuits linked to securities class actions between 2019 and 2023.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2023 Update 26 September 2023

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2023 Update

The increase in large corporate bankruptcies in the first half of 2023 marked a reversal from a gradual decline in filings since the start of 2021.

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2022 5 April 2023

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2022

Court-awarded premiums have also fallen sharply as court rulings have relied more on market evidence and deal price.

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2022 Update 6 September 2022

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2022 Update

Following the spike in large corporate bankruptcy filings triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic, filings in 2021 and the first half of 2022 fell to le...

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2021 Update 24 August 2021

Trends in Large Corporate Bankruptcy and Financial Distress—Midyear 2021 Update

The COVID-19 pandemic set off an increase in corporate bankruptcy filings not seen since the financial crisis.

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2018 12 February 2019

Appraisal Litigation in Delaware—Trends in Petitions and Opinions, 2006–2018

The number of appraisal petitions filed in the Delaware Court of Chancery continued to fall in 2018.

Number of Shareholder Appraisal Petitions in Delaware Continues Downward Trend in 2018 12 February 2019

Number of Shareholder Appraisal Petitions in Delaware Continues Downward Trend in 2018

New report finds substantial variation in awards from the 34 cases that went to trial between 2006 and 2018.

How can we help you?

For more information or assistance with a specific matter, please contact us.