Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity


These reports examine trends in accounting and auditing enforcement actions that were publicly disclosed by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).

Year in Review: FY 2024

SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity

The SEC drastically reduced its accounting and auditing enforcement activity in fiscal year 2024, the final year of Gary Gensler’s administration, ending two consecutive years of annual increases. At the same time, monetary penalties reached their highest level since 2021.


PCAOB Enforcement Activity

The PCAOB continued to expand its enforcement in the final year of the Biden administration, reaching the highest level of enforcement actions since 2017. Monetary penalties imposed by the PCAOB reached a new record for the third consecutive year.


PCAOB Enforcement Activity

The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) expanded its enforcement activity to the highest level since 2017. Monetary penalties imposed by the PCAOB nearly doubled compared to the record set in 2022.

Year in Review: FY 2023

SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity

The SEC expanded its accounting and auditing enforcement activity in fiscal year 2023, while monetary settlements dropped for the second consecutive year.

Year in Review: FY 2022

SEC Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity

In fiscal year 2022, the SEC publicly disclosed 68 accounting and auditing enforcement actions, a 55% increase from the prior fiscal year, but still below pre-pandemic levels.

2022 Year in Review

PCAOB Enforcement Activity

The PCAOB increased its enforcement activity sharply in 2022, disclosing the most enforcement actions in five years, and handing down the highest monetary penalties since its establishment in 2002.

2021 Review and Analysis

Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity

In a year characterized by leadership transitions at the SEC and the PCAOB, overall accounting and auditing enforcement activity decreased.

2020 Review and Analysis

Accounting and Auditing Enforcement Activity

SEC accounting and auditing enforcement activity remained strong, but PCAOB auditing-related activity declined to a new low as 2020 saw pandemic-related challenges and the potential for a change in U.S. presidential administration.


Elaine M. Harwood
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Elaine M. Harwood

Senior Vice President

Simona Mola
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Simona Mola


Russell Molter
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Russell Molter


Jean-Philippe Poissant
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Jean-Philippe Poissant


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