Dr. Joanna Tsai Joins Cornerstone Research as Vice President


Prominent merger economics expert brings global experience in high-stakes mergers, acquisitions, joint ventures, and other antitrust matters.

Cornerstone Research, a leading provider of economic and financial consulting and expert testimony, today announced that Dr. Joanna Tsai has joined the firm as a vice president, based in the Washington, DC, office.

Dr. Tsai will cohead Cornerstone Research’s merger investigations practice in Washington, DC. She will consult on and serve as an economic expert for mergers, as well as complex antitrust and competition matters, both in the U.S. and globally.

Dr. Tsai brings nearly twenty years of experience in private practice, government, and academia. As an economic expert, she has consulted on numerous merger reviews and joint venture transactions, with deep expertise in merger economics. Dr. Tsai has presented economic analyses before the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), the Department of Justice, the European Commission, and other international competition agencies. Merging parties retain her to conduct pre-deal risk assessments for potential targets and deal structures, to prepare for advocacy for the first thirty days after merger filings, and to handle complex second requests and merger litigation.

Joanna’s wealth of merger review expertise, wide-ranging industry knowledge, and economic acumen will be assets to our clients engaged in complex merger matters.

From 2013 to 2015, Dr. Tsai served as economic advisor to an FTC Commissioner, where she addressed competition, intellectual property, and consumer protection issues. She has also served as faculty at Stanford University’s Hoover IP2 Summer Institute on the Economics and Politics of Innovation. As an adjunct professor at the University of Puerto Rico School of Law, Dr. Tsai designed and taught a course on principles of economics for lawyers. A frequent speaker on antitrust and intellectual property topics, Dr. Tsai presents at academic and industry conferences in the U.S. and internationally.

“Cornerstone Research is widely recognized for its exceptional work across a range of consequential transactions,” Dr. Tsai said. “I am thrilled to join the firm’s superb team of merger, antitrust, and competition professionals and to apply my skills to the increasingly challenging matters that characterize today’s litigation and regulatory landscape.”

I am thrilled to join Cornerstone Research’s superb team of merger, antitrust, and competition professionals and to apply my skills to the increasingly challenging matters that characterize today’s litigation and regulatory landscape.

Cornerstone Research CEO Rahul Guha added, “We are delighted to welcome an expert of Joanna’s experience and caliber to cohead our merger practice in Washington, DC. Her wealth of merger review expertise, wide-ranging industry knowledge, and economic acumen will be assets to our clients engaged in complex merger matters. Joanna’s addition reflects our firm’s commitment to building an outstanding global merger practice.”

Dr. Tsai holds Ph.D. and M.A. degrees in economics from Cornell University and a B.A. in economics from the University of California, Irvine. Dr. Tsai previously held senior roles at several economic consulting firms.

Joanna Tsai
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Joanna Tsai

Vice President