Cornerstone Research Promotes Fourteen to Principal


The firm advanced senior staff to principal across multiple practices and industries.

Cornerstone Research, a leading provider of economic and financial consulting and expert testimony, has promoted the following fourteen professionals to principal: Gabriela Antonie, Fang Guo, Nikhil Gupta, Jason Haney, Charley Henrikson, Jennifer Juergens, Andreas Kropf, Andrew Litten, John Pokorny, Daniel Robinson, Laurent Samuel, Samer Semaan, Tiffany Shih, and Jerome Williams.

“We proudly recognize the achievements of this outstanding group of individuals,” said Yesim Richardson, Cornerstone Research’s president. “Their promotions are a testament to their expertise across a range of fields, their dedication to our clients and experts, and their steadfast pursuit of excellence. We look forward to the continued positive impact they will make in their new roles and to their ongoing contributions to our firm’s culture of mentoring and collaboration.”

More information on the firm’s new principals is below:

Gabriela Antonie provides economic and financial analysis in litigation involving antitrust and competition issues, mergers, and financial institutions. Applying her expertise in empirical methods and causal analysis, Dr. Antonie assesses impact, market definition, and market power in antitrust, damages, and merger review matters. She has extensive experience conducting statistical analyses of proprietary big data. Her industry expertise includes e-commerce, healthcare, life sciences, retail, and technology.

Fang Guo consults on antitrust and competition, consumer fraud and product liability, intellectual property, and statistical sampling matters, primarily in the life sciences and healthcare industries. In these contexts, Dr. Guo has analyzed class certification, liability, market definition, market power, and damages, among other issues. She also assesses alleged anticompetitive delays of generic entry, estimates the competitive effects of vertical mergers, and evaluates alleged price fixing and pass-through along the supply chain.

Nikhil Gupta consults on antitrust, competition, and merger review matters. Dr. Gupta applies economic theory and empirical tools to analyze class certification issues, market definition, market power, and competitive effects, with a focus on the healthcare and technology industries. Across a range of matters, he develops and applies economic models, conducts econometric analyses on structured data, and uses text and content analysis techniques to assess nonstructured data.

Jason Haney is an economist with over ten years of experience providing economic and statistical analysis in merger reviews and investigations, antitrust and competition, consumer fraud and product liability, and labor and employment matters. Mr. Haney supports clients and academic and industry experts in all phases of commercial litigation and regulatory investigations. His industry experience includes automotive and related industries, entertainment, food and beverages, oil and gas, technology, and telecommunications.

The promotions of these outstanding individuals are a testament to their expertise across a range of fields, their dedication to our clients and experts, and their steadfast pursuit of excellence.

—Yesim Richardson

Charles Henrikson leads teams in complex securities litigation and valuation matters. Mr. Henrikson has over a decade of experience consulting with clients and supporting experts in federal and state courts, including California state court and the Delaware Court of Chancery. He has worked on numerous securities matters involving Rule 10b-5 and Section 11/12 claims and has addressed market efficiency, price impact, Comcast, loss causation, and damages issues in these contexts.

Jennifer Juergens specializes in investments. Dr. Juergens has extensive experience with Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA) and managed account matters, as well as issues involving financial institutions, broker-dealers, registered investment advisors, and asset managers. She consults on disclosure requirements, corporate governance, and valuation matters, with a focus on Rule 10b-5 and Section 11 securities class actions and derivative litigation. She has worked on numerous trials and arbitration hearings, including several matters before the Delaware Court of Chancery.

Andreas Kropf consults on economic, financial, and statistical issues in litigation and regulatory investigations. His expertise spans a range of issues, with a focus on financial markets, financial institutions, securities litigation, and valuation. Dr. Kropf has experience with matters involving the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), the Federal Reserve, and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA).

Andrew Litten provides economic and statistical analysis on complex mergers, antitrust and competition litigation, and labor matters. Dr. Litten has nearly a decade of experience leading teams supporting experts, attorneys, and clients in complex merger reviews, as well as litigation stages from discovery through trial. Dr. Litten works on behalf of government agencies, merging parties, and third parties in all stages of merger review, including high-profile matters that have reached the litigation phase.

John Pokorny leads teams in complex litigation and regulatory matters, with a focus on securities litigation and market manipulation claims. In securities matters, Dr. Pokorny conducts economic analysis of market efficiency, price impact, and Comcast issues at the class certification stage and evaluates loss causation and damages issues at the merits phase. He has addressed Rule 10b-5 and Section 11/12 claims for companies in a range of industries.

Dan Robinson leads teams and manages research in matters arising from shareholder lawsuits, M&A, breaches of contract, and regulatory investigations. Mr. Robinson addresses liability, loss causation, damages, valuation, and corporate governance issues in a variety of venues, including U.S. federal and state courts, the Delaware Court of Chancery, and arbitration associations. His expertise spans various industries, notably mutual funds, real estate, and venture capital.

Laurent Samuel consults to clients and supports experts in regulatory enforcement actions and white-collar litigation involving market manipulation claims and trading conduct, futures and options markets, and commodities markets issues. Across a range of financial markets, Mr. Samuel evaluates alleged market manipulation and trading conduct claims, payment for order-flow arrangements, price impact, and trading and hedging strategies. He also addresses valuation matters, including those arising in M&A transactions, bankruptcy proceedings, breaches of contract, and venture capital investments.

Samer Semaan specializes in commercial litigation and regulatory investigations related to securities, valuation, and financial markets. Dr. Semaan analyzes economic issues and supports experts in Rule 10b-5 and Section 11/12 securities matters at the class certification and merits phases, and through mediation. In valuation matters, he conducts analyses in various contexts, including in M&A and corporate transaction disputes. He also consults on litigation and regulatory investigations involving alleged market manipulation.

Tiffany Shih consults on life sciences and healthcare litigation and regulatory investigations. Dr. Shih performs complex economic analyses on antitrust, product liability, reimbursement disputes, and breach of contract matters in these industries. Her work includes assessing allegations of anticompetitive delay of generic entry, estimating competitive effects of vertical mergers in the health insurance industry, addressing liability and damages in False Claims Act health insurance matters, and evaluating the impact of alleged pharmaceutical product misrepresentation.

Jerome Williams provides economic and financial analysis and expert support in all phases of commercial litigation. Dr. Williams has experience with matters involving economics, finance, and marketing, with a focus on surveys, consumer fraud and product liability, and market manipulation issues. He has worked on high-profile matters in the automotive, high-tech, and software industries, and has as extensive experience analyzing and rebutting conjoint surveys, including in support of class certification.

Newly Promoted Principals

  • Chicago

Gabriela Antonie


  • Boston

Fang Guo


  • Boston

Nikhil Gupta


  • Silicon Valley

Jason Haney


  • Silicon Valley

Charles L. Henrikson


  • Washington

Jennifer L. Juergens


  • New York

Andreas Kropf


  • Chicago

Andrew Litten


  • Chicago

John Pokorny


  • Boston

Dan Robinson


  • Washington

Laurent Samuel


  • San Francisco

Samer R. Semaan


  • Los Angeles

Tiffany Shih


  • New York

Jerome Williams
