Cornerstone Research Earns Equality 100 Award in Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s 2025 Corporate Equality Index


For the second year in a row, the firm received the highest score in the United States’ foremost benchmarking survey and report on lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ+) workplace equality.

Cornerstone Research, a leading provider of economic and financial consulting and expert testimony, is pleased to announce that it has again received the Equality 100 Award from the Human Rights Campaign’s (HRC’s) Corporate Equality Index (CEI).

Cornerstone Research earned a score of 100, the highest possible. The HRC-CEI is the nation’s foremost benchmarking survey and report that helps companies assess and measure corporate policies and practices related to LGBTQ+ workplace equality. The firm is one of only 765 U.S. businesses to earn the HRC’s Equality 100 Award and be recognized as leaders in LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion.

“We are proud to receive the Equality 100 Award for a second time,” noted Elena Garcia, the firm’s chief human resources officer. “Our commitment to fostering an inclusive, equitable workplace for all employees, including our LGBTQ+ colleagues, is reflected in our comprehensive workplace policies and practices. This recognition further solidifies our position as an employer of choice, enabling us to attract and retain the most talented and diverse workforce, which is essential for continued business growth and innovation.”

Cornerstone Research is one of only 765 U.S. businesses to earn the HRC’s Equality 100 Award and be recognized as leaders in LGBTQ+ workplace inclusion.

The 2025 HRC-CEI assesses Fortune 500 companies, AmLaw 200 law firms, and hundreds of public and privately held mid- to large-sized businesses on their nondiscrimination policies, equitable benefits for LGBTQ+ employees and their families, internal accountability metrics that promote inclusion and competency, and public commitment to LGBTQ+ equality and social responsibility.

The HRC updated its CEI criteria in the past year, adding more stringent and further-reaching requirements. To qualify, participating companies reevaluated their policies and benefits, revising as necessary to ensure maximum benefits for LGBTQ+ employees.

This recognition underscores the remarkable collaboration and dedication among C-Pride members, allied colleagues, and our firm’s DEI Council.

—Shaama Pandya, C-Pride

Shaama Pandya, cosponsor of C-Pride, Cornerstone Research’s LGTBQ+ affinity group, added, “We strive for continuous improvement in creating an inclusive workplace where everyone feels seen and valued. This recognition underscores the remarkable collaboration and dedication among C-Pride members, allied colleagues, and our firm’s DEI Council.”

The HRC-CEI is a primary driving force for workplace inclusion and serves as the United States’ foremost benchmarking tool measuring policies, practices, and benefits pertinent to LGBTQ+ employees. Through its programs, the HRC seeks to make transformational change in the everyday lives of LGBTQ+ people, shedding light on inequity and deepening the public’s understanding of LGBTQ+ issues.