2018 Who’s Who Legal: Competition Experts


Cornerstone Research staff and affiliated experts were selected for this 2018 list of ‘the best global consulting experts.’

LondonWho’​s Who Legal named Cornerstone Research staff and affiliated experts in its 2018 listings of “the foremost legal practitioners in business law based upon comprehensive, independent research.” The following senior advisers and staff appear in the listings of top competition economists in the economic consulting field:

Senior Advisers
  • John Asker, University of California, Los Angeles
    ‘“A superb economist” … vast expertise in antitrust policy issues.’
  • Timothy F. Bresnahan, Stanford University
    ‘“A brilliant testifier” who is widely regarded as “a leader” in the field of competition economics.’
  • Kenneth Elzinga, University of Virginia
    ‘A key name in the competition market.’
  • Gautam Gowrisankaran, University of Arizona
    ‘“An outstanding economist” and … a renowned authority in the mergers and acquisitions space.”
  • Aviv Nevo, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
    ‘“A leader in the field” … “a superb economist.”’
  • Peter C. Reiss, Graduate School of Business, Stanford University
    ‘“An excellent economist and testifier” … considerable experience of class certification and follow-on damages issues.’
Senior Staff
  • Vandy M. Howell, Senior Vice President, San Francisco
    ‘Wins praise for her excellent expert witness testimony.’
  • Michael C. Keeley, Senior Adviser, Cornerstone Research
    ‘Enjoys a fantastic reputation in the market.’
  • Darwin Neher, Vice President, New York
    ‘“A good strategist and master of econometrics.”’
  • Dina Older Aguilar, Vice President, San Francisco
    ‘“Excellent” … a specialist on competition matters.’
  • Andrea Shepard, Senior Vice President, San Francisco
    ‘“Very accomplished” … highlighted for her expertise directing economic analyses for large-scale antitrust litigation.’
  • Michael D. Topper, Senior Vice President, Silicon Valley
    ‘“Impresses with his impeccable knowledge of regulator and antitrust issues.’