2017 Antitrust Writing Awards


Cornerstone Research expert John Asker of the University of California, Los Angeles, was chosen as a winner in Concurrences Review’s annual selection of leading articles.

Concurrences Review selected a competition paper authored by Professor Asker as a winner of the Antitrust Writing Awards 2017. The awards honour the best articles published or accepted for publication in peer-reviewed journals or professional business publications in the preceding year.

A jury of more than 50 international antitrust experts reviewed 600 papers and selected winners based on writing, scholarship, originality, practical relevance, and the contribution they make to competition advocacy. The awards are organised by Concurrences Review and the George Washington University Law School Competition Law Center.

Academic Article, Economics

John Asker
Diagnosing Foreclosure due to Exclusive Dealing
Journal of Industrial Economics, September 2016

This article discusses whether exclusive dealing arrangements between brewers and their distributors lead to foreclosure. Dr Asker evaluates the effect of these arrangements on competition in the Chicago beer market in 1994. He provides a diagnostic test indicating that foreclosure effects are not present in this market, suggesting that the most likely effect of intervention would be to reduce social welfare.

John Asker

John Asker

Armen A. Alchian Chair in Economic Theory and Professor of Economics,
University of California, Los Angeles;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research