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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 97 - 108 of 137

Market Microstructure

Our work in this area has included numerous issues related to order handling, allegations of front running, rules involving price quoting, clearing and settlement, uncovered short sales, best execution, markups,…


Janet Baker et al. v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. et al.

Counsel for Goldman Sachs retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School to value Dragon Systems at the time it was acquired by Lernout & Hauspie.


Collateralized Mortgage Obligations

Cornerstone Research was retained to investigate the valuation of a portfolio of collateralized mortgage obligations (CMOs) held by a failed hedge fund.


Dr. Ben S. Branch v. Ernst & Young, U.S., et al.

The Bank of New England Corporation (BNEC) went into bankruptcy after its lead subsidiary bank, BNENA, was closed by regulators in January 1991.


Mortgage-Backed Derivatives

In this mutual fund litigation, defense counsel for a fund’s auditor retained Cornerstone Research.


Damages Resulting from Investments in CDOs

Cornerstone Research was retained by counsel representing a brokerage firm that was accused of selling risky, unsuitable collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) to an asset management firm that subsequently declared bankruptcy.


SEC Proceeding Regarding Bond Fund Disclosures

The administrative law judge cited Cornerstone Research experts in her ruling related to issuer reporting and disclosure.


Privatization of a Mexican Bank

Minority public shareholders of a Mexican bank sued a Canadian bank that bought them out at an allegedly low price.


Sovereign Bancorp Inc. Shareholders Litigation

The class action lawsuit on behalf of Sovereign Bancorp Inc. (Sovereign) shareholders was intended to prevent the shareholder vote on a 2008 proposal by Banco Santander, S.A. (Santander) to acquire…


Two-Step Merger in Banking Industry

During mediation, counsel for the acquirer retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Christopher James of the University of Florida to analyze this complex two-step transaction.


Vesta Insurance Group, Inc., Securities Litigation

Shareholders sued the company and its auditors for securities fraud, claiming that the stock price was artificially inflated for the prior three years.


Market Timing

Cornerstone Research has investigated issues relating to market timing of mutual funds and insurance products.

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