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  • Consumer Fraud and Product Liability
Showing 73 - 77 of 77

Online Merchant’s Website

In a class action against an online merchant, the plaintiffs alleged that the merchant’s website was misleading and deceived its customers into enrolling in an Internet-based program without their knowledge…


Terms of Insurance Policies

The plaintiffs in this class action alleged that an insurance company had engaged in fraud and misrepresentation in its sales of a certain insurance product.


Vision Improvement Products Advertising

In a false advertising case, the defendant retained a Cornerstone Research expert to provide testimony on damages.


Pharmaceutical Marketing

In a class action lawsuit seeking billions of dollars in damages, the plaintiffs alleged that the defendant had engaged in fraudulent off-label marketing of a prescription drug.


Advertising in a Product Launch Campaign

Plaintiff counsel retained a Cornerstone Research expert to analyze the impact of the alleged false statements and the impact of normal competitive entry.

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