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Architectural Copyright

The court granted summary judgment in favor of the defendants on all claims.


Class Action Related to Changes in Retirees’ Health Insurance Plans

A federal judge granted our client’s motion for summary judgment.

Press Release

Justin McCrary Joins Columbia Law School

Professor McCrary was previously a professor of law at Berkeley Law School, University of California.


Damages 2018: Recognising Your Options Beyond Discounted Cash Flow

This Cornerstone Research conference featured a panel of expert lawyers and economists discussing how best to assess damages in arbitration and commercial litigation.


Economic Considerations for ICO Regulation and Litigation

The authors examine economic considerations for initial coin offering regulation and litigation in this Bloomberg BNA article.


Handbook of Marketing Analytics

Cornerstone Research affiliated experts and staff contributed chapters on methods and applications in marketing management, public policy, and litigation support.


United States v. AT&T Inc. et al.

A federal court judge ruled that AT&T can move forward with its purchase of Time Warner and the D.C. Circuit affirmed that decision.

Press Release

2018 IAM Guide to Leading Patent Professionals Highlights Cornerstone Research Experts

Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) names Matthew Lynde and George Strong in its 2018 list of leading U.S. patent issues expert witnesses.


In re Xerox Corp. Consolidated Shareholder Litigation

After the judge ruled in favor of a temporary injunction in the $6 billion merger injunction case, Xerox announced it would not pursue the deal and settled with shareholders.

Press Release

2018 Who’s Who Legal: Competition Experts

Cornerstone Research staff and affiliated experts were selected for this 2018 list of “the best global consulting experts.”

Press Release

2018 Who’s Who Legal: Competition–Future Leaders

Cornerstone Research staff and affiliated experts recognized as future leaders of in the competition field.


Los Angeles Women’s Forum 2018: Gender and Negotiating

Cornerstone Research hosted a networking event with Leigh Thompson of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University.

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