Home Improvement Product Manufacturer Advertising
In a nationwide class action, counsel for the manufacturer retained a Cornerstone Research expert to estimate potential damages.
Power Ratings of a Household Appliance Manufacturer's Product
Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and an academic expert to evaluate the economic effect of the alleged misrepresentation and whether common impact could be assessed.
“All Natural” Product Labeling Class Action
A packaged foods company retained Cornerstone Research and a marketing expert to determine if the “100% Natural” label impacted consumers’ purchasing behavior.
Advertising of Software
Plaintiffs in a class action against a software company alleged that its marketing campaign misled consumers into purchasing certain products.
Beverage Product Advertising
Counsel for a large consumer packaged goods manufacturer retained Cornerstone Research and two marketing professors in a false advertising matter involving dairy products.
Class Certification Opposed on Behalf of Healthcare Provider
The judge denied the motion for class certification in its entirety in this case involving claims that a service provider reordered physician diagnosis codes.
In re Actiq Sales and Marketing Practices Litigation
Cornerstone Research worked with three experts to address class certification and damages issues.
In re Whirlpool Corp. Front-Loading Washer Products Liability Litigation
In a closely watched case, an Ohio federal jury rejected the plaintiffs’ allegations.
Benefits Offered by Early Versions of a High-Technology Product
In a nationwide class action, defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and two economic experts to determine whether common evidence could address misrepresentation allegations.
Brokerage Company Advertising
In a class action involving a brokerage company, the plaintiffs alleged that they had experienced delays in accessing the brokerage system and executing trades.
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