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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 49 - 60 of 137

Regulatory Investigation Pertaining to Losses Incurred by a Hedge Fund

Cornerstone Research assisted with a regulatory investigation following the closure of a global macro hedge fund.


Expert Forum: Regulatory Actions Related to Market Abuse

At this Cornerstone Research conference in London, attorneys, regulators and economists discussed the UK’s current market abuse regulatory regime and the climate for follow-on litigation.

Press Release

Jennifer Marietta-Westberg Joins ILE Board of Directors

Dr. Marietta-Westberg was invited to serve on the board of directors at the Institute for Law and Economics at the University of Pennsylvania.


Exchange-Traded Funds

Structure, trading, and potential issues in litigation related to exchange-traded funds (ETFs).


Innovation, Data and Tech in Financial Services: A Competition Perspective

This Cornerstone Research event in London featured a presentation by Sheldon Mills, director of competition and strategy at the Financial Conduct Authority.


Leveraged and Inverse ETFs

On behalf of a financial institution, Cornerstone Research examined investor trading activity in leveraged and inverse ETFs.


Trading in ETF Basket Securities by an Authorized Participant

Counsel for an ETF sponsor retained Cornerstone Research to examine the potential manipulation of the NAV of certain fixed-income ETFs through trading in the market for the underlying bonds.


Trading in ETF Shares by Affiliated Parties

Cornerstone Research assisted a financial institution with its internal investigation into trading in ETF shares by affiliated parties.


Valuation of Odd-Lot Holdings of Securities by ETFs

The SEC did not pursue its investigation into the ETFs’ valuation of certain odd-lot holdings.


Expert Forum: Competition Collective Actions in Financial Markets

At this Cornerstone Research conference in London, attorneys and economists discussed economic and legal issues arising in competition collective action litigation against the UK’s financial services sector.


Appraisal Litigation in a Going Private Transaction

Minority shareholders of the target company sought a judicial appraisal in Delaware’s Chancery Court.


Policy and Economics in a Digital World

This Cornerstone Research event in London featured a presentation by Professor Jonathan Haskel, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.

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