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  • Consumer Fraud and Product Liability
Showing 49 - 60 of 77

5 Questions with Kimberly Neuendorf: Content Analysis

Our affiliated experts, senior advisors, and professionals talk about their research and findings in this periodic feature.


Litigators, Wrangle That Data With Content Analysis

Content analysis is a set of scientific methods that can be introduced as evidence by a qualified expert witness.


Beef Products, Inc. et al. v. American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. et al.

In this high-profile $1.9 billion defamation case, Cornerstone Research worked with three experts who analyzed the impact of news coverage on beef product sales.


Advertising Targeting a Medical Services Provider

Counsel for a large medical services provider retained Cornerstone Research and an accounting professor to analyze the economic impact of the challenged advertising campaigns.


Alleged Unintended Acceleration and Brake Defects in Automobiles

Counsel for an automobile manufacturer retained Cornerstone Research and several experts to address plaintiffs’ claims in two national class actions.


Energy Labeling of a Household Appliance

In a nationwide class action, the manufacturer’s counsel retained Cornerstone Research and an academic expert to respond to the damages analyses and a survey submitted by the plaintiffs’ experts.


False Claims Act Suit Involving Title IV Program

The plaintiffs argued that the defendants knowingly made false claims and statements in order to obtain Title IV program eligibility.


Fine Jewelry Advertising Campaign

Plaintiff counsel retained Cornerstone Research and a marketing professor to analyze the short-term impact on the plaintiff’s and defendant’s profits and sales.


Home Improvement Product Manufacturer Advertising

In a nationwide class action, counsel for the manufacturer retained a Cornerstone Research expert to estimate potential damages.


Power Ratings of a Household Appliance Manufacturer's Product

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and an academic expert to evaluate the economic effect of the alleged misrepresentation and whether common impact could be assessed.


“All Natural” Product Labeling Class Action

A packaged foods company retained Cornerstone Research and a marketing expert to determine if the “100% Natural” label impacted consumers’ purchasing behavior.


Advertising of Software

Plaintiffs in a class action against a software company alleged that its marketing campaign misled consumers into purchasing certain products.

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