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  • Life Sciences
Showing 25 - 36 of 64

Intersection of Intellectual Property and Competition Policy in Recent Cases

The authors discuss high-profile cases in the EU and US that concern IP rights and competition policy.


Why Curve-Fitting Cannot Be Used to Show Causation or Estimate Impact

Iain Cockburn discusses the problems with curve-fitting methodology in economic analysis in this Westlaw article.


Evaluating Innovation Theories of Harm in Merger Review: Economic Frameworks and Difficulties

The authors discuss recent life science cases that deal with innovation theories of harm, and what economic models can be useful in reviewing proposed mergers in this space.


Federal Trade Commission v. 1-800 Contacts

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an FTC decision regarding trademark enforcement against online competitors.

Press Release

Cornerstone Research Staff and Experts Submit Comments to Multilateral Pharmaceutical Merger Task Force

Comments emphasize the need for the FTC to consider the varied effects of mergers on innovation.


Alleged Failure to Disclose Drug Safety Issues

Cornerstone Research was retained by a pharmaceutical company facing securities litigation after it withdrew a drug from the market because of safety concerns.


ICC Arbitration Involving Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop and Commercialize a Drug

An ICC arbitration tribunal determined that the claimant did not materially breach its license agreement with the respondent, leaving the agreement in full effect.


In re Niaspan Antitrust Litigation

The judge denied class certification in this pharmaceutical pay-for-delay multidistrict litigation.


COVID-19 Implications for Pharmaceutical Litigation

Darius Lakdawalla of the University of Southern California discusses the economics of pharmaceutical markets and the impacts of COVID-19 from the manufacturer perspective.

Press Release

2020 IAM Guide to Leading Patent Professionals

Intellectual Asset Management (IAM) names Henry Grabowski of Duke University and Matthew Lynde of Cornerstone Research in its annual list of leading expert witnesses on patent issues in the United…


In re Intuniv Antitrust Litigation

The judge denied class certification in this pharmaceutical pay-for-delay case brought by a class of indirect purchasers.


Cigna’s Acquisition of Express Scripts

The parties completed a $67 billion merger after receiving clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice and state departments of insurance.

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