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Showing 13 - 24 of 1227

Parallel Derivative Action Settlement Outcomes: 2023 Review and Analysis

The authors examine settlement outcomes of derivative lawsuits linked to securities class actions between 2019 and 2023.

Press Release

Antitrust Law Appointments

Cornerstone Research congratulates eleven antitrust and competition economists on their leadership roles in the ABA Antitrust Law Section.

Press Release

WWL: Competition—Economists 2024

Who’s Who Legal (WWL) and Global Competition Review recognised Cornerstone Research academic experts and consulting professionals as global leaders in the competition field.


Privacy by the Numbers: Economic Costs and Benefits of Privacy Regulation

In an article for the ABA Antitrust Law Section, the authors review the economic literature on the effects of data privacy regulation on consumers and firms.

Press Release

Securities Class Action Filing Activity Increased in First Half of 2024

Tracking of artificial intelligence–related filings began while the number of cryptocurrency-related filings declined.


Securities Class Action Filings

Cornerstone Research, in cooperation with the Stanford Law School Securities Class Action Clearinghouse, publishes a series of reports on securities class actions.


Securities Class Action Filings—2024 Midyear Assessment

Tracking of artificial intelligence–related filings began while the number of cryptocurrency-related filings declined.


Our Curious Amalgam: How Do We Measure Innovation?

In an American Bar Association podcast, Penka Kovacheva of Cornerstone Research discussed how M&A affects innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.


Standard Essential Patents: Global Regulation and Litigation

Kirti Gupta of Cornerstone Research moderated a CSIS and LeadershIP webinar on government scrutiny of standard essential patents (SEPs) and the current litigation landscape.


Price Differences within Retail Gasoline Markets

The authors review pricing strategies for fueling stations and examine related price differentials within gasoline markets.

Press Release

U.S. Natural Gas Marketed Production Reaches Record Highs

Ukraine War contributes to substantial increase in U.S. LNG exports to Europe.


Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions

Cornerstone Research compiles an annual report based on data from FERC Form 552 submissions. By supplementing the data with proprietary classifications, Cornerstone Research adds deeper insight into U.S. natural gas…

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