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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 133 - 137 of 137

Hedge Fund Management Firm Valuation

In a dispute arising over a hedge fund failure, Cornerstone Research was asked to value the firm that managed the fund and to assess how the firm’s value was affected…


Monona Wire Corp. v. Code, Hennessey & Simmons

A leveraged buyout fund sued a venture capital firm, claiming an operating company sold to the plaintiff had been valued inappropriately and alleging failure to disclose material information about the…


Credit Suisse First Boston (Lantronix) Analyst Securities Litigation

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York decertified a class based partly on expert testimony that the analyst reports at issue did not inflate the stock…


ACC/Lincoln Savings Securities Litigation

In a suit brought by security holders against the officers and professional advisors of a bankrupt Arizona thrift holding company, we were retained by counsel for certain of the professional…


Dollar General Corporation Shareholder Litigation

In a case arising from a leveraged buyout of Dollar General by Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co. (KKR) in March 2007, the shareholders of Dollar General sued KKR, Dollar General,…

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