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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 121 - 132 of 137

Brokerage Company Advertising

In a class action involving a brokerage company, the plaintiffs alleged that they had experienced delays in accessing the brokerage system and executing trades.


Disclosure of Transaction Fees

In multiple class actions against a large financial institution, the plaintiffs alleged that the defendant failed to disclose adequate information regarding the fees it charged on certain types of transactions.


Terms of Insurance Policies

The plaintiffs in this class action alleged that an insurance company had engaged in fraud and misrepresentation in its sales of a certain insurance product.


DPL Inc. Securities Litigation

For a case involving both federal and state claims, Cornerstone Research supported Professor J. Richard Dietrich of The Ohio State University to review how DPL, a large Ohio electric utility,…


Merrill Lynch & Co., Inc., et al. v. Allegheny Energy, Inc.

Counsel for Merrill Lynch retained Cornerstone Research to assist in analyzing valuation and accounting issues related to the sale of its energy trading unit to Allegheny Energy.


Failed Financial Institution

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research in a Resolution Trust Corporation lawsuit against the former officers and directors of a savings and loan, in which the plaintiff claimed that the defendants…


Failed Hedge Funds and Insurers

In cases arising from the failures of hedge funds and insurers, Cornerstone Research has worked with Professor René Stulz of The Ohio State University to assess investment strategies and to…


High Yield Debt Pricing

Cornerstone Research supported two experts who addressed allegations regarding an investment bank’s role in the failure of a life insurance company.


Anglo American Security Fund v. S.R. Global International Fund

Counsel for Ernst & Young retained Cornerstone Research in a case arising from losses incurred by hedge fund investors.


Baker v. American Century Investment Management, Inc.

Counsel for American Century retained Cornerstone Research in an action alleging that the investment management company had charged excessive fees to its mutual fund customers.


Bullmore v. Ernst & Young

Counsel for Ernst & Young Cayman Islands retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Steven Grenadier of Stanford University in a New York Supreme Court case related to the failure of Beacon…


ESG Re Limited v. Deloitte & Touche

Cornerstone Research worked with experts testifying on damages and reinsurance issues and assisted counsel in their defense of Deloitte & Touche against claims of malpractice and breach of contract in both U.S.…

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