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Showing 1189 - 1200 of 1238

Cost Shifting

Cost shifting refers to the practice of increasing the price or markup charged to one group of patients in response to a decrease in another group’s price or markup.


Damages in Life-Cycle Management Case

Cornerstone Research assisted counsel in evaluating possible damages in a case where a branded pharmaceutical company was accused of delaying generic competition through various mechanisms.


Delayed Generic Competition

Counsel for a generic pharmaceutical company retained Cornerstone Research to assess the company’s incentives to launch a generic drug while ongoing patent litigation remained unresolved.


Delayed Generic Entry

Counsel for a branded pharmaceutical company retained Dr. Michael Keeley, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to address class certification issues in two antitrust suits brought by classes of…


Direct Purchaser Antitrust Suit

Counsel for a leading U.S. manufacturer of medical devices retained Dr. Michael Keeley, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to address class certification issues in an antitrust case brought…


Exclusionary Practices in Managed Care Organizations’ Contracts

Cornerstone Research worked with the defense experts in a series of antitrust cases against the manufacturer of a branded drug with a dominant market share in its therapeutic class.


Express Scripts, Inc., PBM Litigation

In a proposed class action against pharmacy benefit manager (PBM) Express Scripts, Inc., the named plaintiffs sought to represent five proposed classes of self-funded ERISA plans.


Failure to Disclose Clinical Trial Results

Counsel for a pharmaceutical company retained Cornerstone Research to assess damages in a securities class action alleging the company misled investors about a drug’s approval probability.


High-Technology Medical Devices

A leading manufacturer of high-technology medical devices retained Dr. Matthew Lynde, a vice president of Cornerstone Research, to evaluate the patent infringement damages claims of the plaintiff, another manufacturer of…


Hilton v. Children’s Hospital San Diego

Counsel for the defendants retained Dr. Michael Keeley, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to evaluate the plaintiff’s antitrust claims from an economic perspective and to assess the validity…


Irreparable Harm

Cornerstone Research has worked with Professor Henry Grabowski of Duke University on a number of cases to evaluate whether the incumbent branded drug company would suffer irreparable harm if the…


Misleading Disclosure of Clinical Trial Results

Plaintiffs filed a securities class action against a major pharmaceutical company alleging that the company made false and misleading statements regarding the results of a drug’s safety study.

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