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  • Financial Institutions
Showing 109 - 120 of 137

First Columbia Financial Corp. v. Price Waterhouse

A holding company alleged that the negligence of the auditor of its savings and loan subsidiary resulted in an accounting misstatement and claimed damages related to activities it would not…


Asset Management

Cornerstone Research worked with attorneys representing a custodial bank that was sued by three pension funds whose asset portfolios had disappointing returns in a period of declining real estate markets.


Over-the-Counter Derivatives

In a dispute between a bank and a former corporate client, counsel for the bank retained Cornerstone Research in a matter involving over-the-counter derivatives transactions.


Pearce et al. v. UBS PaineWebber, Inc., et al.

This securities class action was filed on behalf of all noninstitutional investors who purchased and/or sold equity securities listed on NASDAQ through PaineWebber brokers during the class period.


Commerce Commission v. Cards New Zealand et al.

The four largest New Zealand banks retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Timothy Bresnahan of Stanford University to assess, from an economic standpoint, a claim by New Zealand’s Commerce Commission that…


Benning et al. v. Wit Capital Group, Inc., et al.

A proposed class claimed that it was incorrectly denied IPO allocations by Wit Capital Group.


In re NASDAQ Market-Makers Antitrust Litigation

In dozens of antitrust lawsuits and a Department of Justice investigation, the plaintiffs alleged that NASDAQ dealers were engaging in “tacit collusion” to avoid quoting on odd-eighths.


Leary et al. v. Wells Fargo, Crocker National, Bank of America

Cornerstone Research evaluated plaintiffs’ claims of price fixing in the bank credit card industry.


Discrimination in Lending

In two separate matters, Cornerstone Research worked with counsel for the finance subsidiaries of major automotive companies in defense of complaints made under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA).


Green v. Nuveen Advisory Group et al.

Certain plaintiff shareholders, on behalf of a class, charged Nuveen Advisory with breach of fiduciary duty.


Dispute between a Pension Plan and an Investment Manager

In a suit brought by a pension plan and its trustees against the investment manager of one of the plan’s portfolios, plaintiffs alleged that the investment manager did not comply…


Hecker et al. v. Deere & Company et al.

The plaintiffs alleged that Deere & Company (Deere) and the fiduciaries of the Deere Savings & Investment Plan and Tax Deferred Savings Plan breached their duties to plan members and…

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