Washington DC Women’s Forum 2024: How Women Rise


Renowned leadership expert and bestselling author Sally Helgesen will present at this networking event for professionals in the legal community.

Women’s distinctive strengths and behaviors provide them with many advantages. Yet the very habits that help them early in their careers can undermine them as they seek to move into leadership positions.

Drawing on the insights that made How Women Rise an international bestseller, author Sally Helgesen will explore how women at every level can avoid this common trap to build careers that are satisfying, sustainable, and rewarding. Her emphasis will be on tactical, practical solutions.

Sally Helgesen will explore how women at every level can build careers that are satisfying, sustainable, and rewarding.

This presentation is sponsored by Cornerstone Research Women’s Forum, which fosters discussion of thought-provoking topics relevant to professionals working in the legal community. The evening will offer valuable content, lively conversation, and networking with local women legal professionals and senior staff of Cornerstone Research.

For more information about this event, email events@cornerstone.com.

Headshot of Sally J. HelgesenSally J. Helgesen
Author, Speaker, and Leadership Coach

About the Speaker

Sally Helgesen, identified in Forbes as the world’s premier women’s leadership expert, is an author, speaker, and leadership coach. For 35 years, she has worked with women leaders and aspiring women leaders around the world, helping them to recognize, articulate, and act on their greatest strengths and create inclusive cultures in which women can thrive. In addition to How Women Rise, Sally has published eight other books on women’s leadership and inclusive leadership, including Rising Together, The Female Advantage, The Female Vision, and The Web of Inclusion.

Sally has been inducted into the Thinkers50 Hall of Fame, which honors those whose ideas have shaped the field of leadership worldwide. She is ranked number three among the world’s thought leaders by Global Gurus and is one of only five recipients of the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Institute for Management Studies. She is a member of the New York and International Women’s Forums.