Liam Colley and Anca Cojoc will discuss issues related to UK ‘collective’ competition litigation at this live, in-person event in London.
Mr Colley’s panel, ‘Examining Claimant and Defendant Perspectives on Certification and Strike Out,’ will provide an economic perspective on topics that include:
- Authorisation and eligibility conditions in UK collective claim certification
- Conditions for class certification
- Structuring class actions
- Competition Appeal Tribunal (CAT) certification
Dr Cojoc’s panel, ‘Enhancing Claim Valuation and the Instruction and Role of Experts,’ will cover issues related to valuation, damages, and experts, including:
- Access to evidence
- Role of experts in pre- and post-certification
- Calculating damages in cross-border cases
- Pass-on and volume effect and the impact on claim valuation
Cornerstone Research is a sponsor of this event, hosted by ThoughtLeaders 4 Competition. For more information, visit the event website.