Assessing Quality Effects in Competition Cases: Lessons from Product Liability Litigation


This Cornerstone Research conference featured a panel of expert lawyers and economists discussing how best to analyse quality considerations in competition matters.

Firms often compete not only on price but also on non-price dimensions that include quality and customer experience. In many markets, such as car manufacturing and online shopping, quality is a key differentiator—and can be a deciding factor—for consumers. Competition authorities and courts are therefore called upon to assess quality in the context of market investigations, mergers, allegations of abuse of dominance, and cartels.

At this event, a panel of expert lawyers and economists discussed how best to analyse quality considerations, and identify the strengths and limitations of the available economic toolbox. Panellists also drew lessons from techniques used in recent product liability cases.


Samid Hussain
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Samid Hussain

Senior Vice President

Additional Speakers

Ros Kellaway
Partner, Eversheds Sutherland

Juan Rodriguez
Partner, Sullivan & Cromwell

Frank Wijckmans
Partner, contrast