73rd Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, American Bar Association


Gabriela Antonie of Cornerstone Research will speak on a panel titled “Be on the Lookout: Surveillance Pricing” on day one of this three-day American Bar Association (ABA) conference.

The Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC’s) 2024 6(b) study on surveillance pricing has prompted renewed interest in the topic. Demographics-based and individualized pricing can be anticompetitive. However, it can also have some pro-consumer benefits, allowing individuals access to goods and services from which they might otherwise be excluded.

This debate-style panel, featuring a practitioner and an economist on each side, will explore the balance between anticompetitive concerns and potential consumer benefits.

This panel is presented by the AI Task Force and the Privacy & Information Security Committee. The conference is hosted by the ABA’s Section of Antitrust Law. For more information, visit the event website.


Gabriela Antonie
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Gabriela Antonie
