U.K. Financial Services Information Technology Dispute


In an arbitration held in London, counsel for the respondent retained Cornerstone Research, Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School, and Professor Eric Clemons of the Wharton School in a dispute between the respondent, a financial services firm, and a company that had been engaged in an information technology services venture.

In an arbitration held in London, counsel for the respondent retained Cornerstone Research, Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School, and Professor Eric Clemons of the Wharton School in a dispute between the respondent, a financial services firm, and a company that had been engaged in an information technology services venture. Professor Gompers assessed the market for related information technology services in the venture’s home country, considering in particular the effect of stock market conditions on demand for the service in question. Professor Gompers also addressed valuation issues and the claimant’s lost profits estimate. Professor Clemons evaluated the performance of the services provided by the venture and the roles of the parties related to that technology. The experts presented their testimony to an arbitration panel and engaged in live debate with opposing experts on issues raised by the panel. The arbitration panel awarded no lost profits.

Case Expert

Paul A. Gompers

Paul A. Gompers

Eugene Holman Professor of Business Administration,
Harvard Business School,
Harvard University