Latin American Infrastructure Breach of Contract Dispute


Counsel for a Latin American government retained Cornerstone Research, Professor René Stulz of The Ohio State University, and Dr. Laura Simmons of the College of William and Mary to assess a breach of contract claim by a Latin American firm.

Counsel for a Latin American government retained Cornerstone Research, Professor René Stulz of The Ohio State University, and Dr. Laura Simmons of the College of William and Mary to assess a breach of contract claim by a Latin American firm. The parties had an agreement related to certain anticipated infrastructure projects and, when those projects did not materialize, the claimant sought substantial remediation.

The tribunal hearing the case awarded no lost profits and out-of-pocket expenses near the amount estimated by Dr. Simmons.

Drawing on research on corporate credit risk, the pricing of investments in international markets, and project valuation, Professor Stulz demonstrated that the claimant had suffered no lost profits. Dr. Simmons conducted an accounting analysis of the claimant’s out-of-pocket costs and found them to be a fraction of the amount asserted by the claimant. The tribunal hearing the case awarded no lost profits and out-of-pocket expenses near the amount estimated by Dr. Simmons.

Case Experts

René M. Stulz

René M. Stulz

Everett D. Reese Chair of Banking and Monetary Economics,
Director, Dice Center for Research in Financial Economics,
Fisher College of Business,
The Ohio State University

Laura Simmons
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Laura E. Simmons

Senior Advisor