In the Matter of Ball Corporation and Rexam PLC


The FTC ordered Ball Corporation to divest eight U.S. aluminum can plants in order to proceed with its acquisition of Rexam PLC.

Retained by the Federal Trade Commission

The Federal Trade Commission issued a complaint related to the proposed $8.4 billion acquisition of Rexam PLC by Ball Corporation. The FTC retained Cornerstone Research to support expert Aviv Nevo.

The FTC alleged that the acquisition would eliminate direct competition in the United States between Ball and Rexam, the two largest manufacturers of aluminum beverage cans in the world. The complaint alleged that, without a divestiture, the proposed merger would likely substantially lessen competition for aluminum cans.

Under the terms of the consent agreement, Ball and Rexam were required to divest eight aluminum can plants and related assets. The transaction was completed in August 2016.

For more information on this case, contact Michael Topper or Kostis Hatzitaskos.

Case Expert

Aviv Nevo

Aviv Nevo

George A. Weiss and Lydia Bravo Weiss University Professor,
University of Pennsylvania