The Ownership and Trading of Debt Claims in Chapter 11 Restructurings


A paper coauthored by Professor David C. Smith received a Jensen Prize for one of the best papers published in the Journal of Financial Economics in 2016.

David C. Smith, the Virginia Bankers Association Professor at the University of Virginia, received a Jensen Prize for his article “The Ownership and Trading of Debt Claims in Chapter 11 Restructurings.”

The Journal of Financial Economics recognized the paper, coauthored by Professor Smith, Victoria Ivashina of the Harvard Business School, and Benjamin Iverson of the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University, as one of the best papers published in the areas of corporate finance and organizations in 2016. The journal, published by the University of Rochester’s Simon School of Business, is one of the top overall journals across all fields of economics in terms of citation impact.

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David C. Smith

David C. Smith

Virginia Bankers Association Eminent Professor,
McIntire School of Commerce,
University of Virginia