Five Minutes with Dr Anca Cojoc


Dr Cojoc discusses her arrival at Cornerstone Research and emerging challenges in the European competition space.

In an interview with Competition Law Insight, Dr Cojoc speaks about her new role at Cornerstone Research, the topics on which her work will focus, and the range of challenges that face European competition practitioners.

Key developments include:

  • The role of the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and potential shifts in its approach to merger control and competition policy
  • The Digital Markets Unit (DMU) bill, as well as other proposed regulatory changes, which are designed to reduce the risk of ‘killer acquisitions’
  • How economic analysis and modelling can support competition law enforcement
  • Increasing regulatory scrutiny of the use of algorithms and artificial intelligence (AI)

This interview was originally published by Competition Law Insight on 20 February 2023.

Five Minutes with Dr Anca Cojoc


Anca Cojoc
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Anca Cojoc
