Richard R. Lindsey

Callcott Group LLC;
Courant Fellow and Adjunct Professor,
Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences,
New York University

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    • University of California, Berkeley, Ph.D.
    • University of Dallas, M.B.A.
    • University of California, Berkeley, M.S.
    • Illinois Institute of Technology, B.S.

Richard Lindsey is a financial economist with wide-ranging expertise in investments, portfolio construction, risk management, and securities trading. With experience spanning academia, government, and industry, Dr. Lindsey specializes in quantitative analysis related to financial market operation and regulation. His expertise encompasses various financial institutions and stakeholders, including hedge funds, broker dealers, exchanges, regulators, institutional investors, sovereign wealth funds, prime brokers, and clearing corporations.

Dr. Lindsey served as director of the Division of Market Regulation at the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). He managed SEC oversight and regulation of all U.S. securities markets, stock and options exchanges, bond and over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives, clearance and settlement systems, and trading practices, as well as risk management and anti-money laundering (AML) programs. Before directing the Division of Market Regulation, Dr. Lindsey was the SEC’s chief economist.

In his current role at Callcott Group, an investments consulting company, Dr. Lindsey addresses financial and regulatory issues for security firms, exchanges, hedge funds, private equity funds, pension and endowment plans, government entities, and quasi-governmental organizations. His past senior positions include chief investment officer of Windham Capital Management, where he oversaw the firm’s multi-asset and liquid alternative strategies; and chief investment strategist at Janus Capital Management, where he developed and managed a suite of quantitatively driven, liquid alternative investment funds. From 1999 to 2006, Dr. Lindsey was president of Bear, Stearns Securities Corporation.

At NYU Courant Institute, Dr. Lindsey teaches Mathematics in Finance in the Master of Science program. He has also served as a professor of finance at Yale School of Management and as a visiting economist at the New York Stock Exchange.