Mark E. Glickman

Senior Lecturer on Statistics,
Department of Statistics,
Harvard University

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    • Harvard University, Ph.D., statistics
    • Harvard University, M.A.
    • Princeton University, B.A. (summa cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa)

Mark Glickman is an expert in applied statistics and statistical modeling. Dr. Glickman develops statistical and probability methods to address a variety of business challenges, notably those arising in health services. He analyzes issues related to health surveys, hospitalization, surgical disclosures, medical treatment efficacy, medication adherence, patient behaviors, survival analysis, and health outcomes.

Dr. Glickman has consulted to the Department of Justice and provided expert witness testimony in multiple matters, including in deposition, arbitration, and at trial. Dr. Glickman has applied statistical algorithms in a variety of consulting matters involving evaluating sampling methodology, testing representativeness of samples, predicting success of product launches, and estimating consumer preferences. He serves as an investigator/statistician at the Center for Healthcare Organization & Implementation Research (CHOIR) in the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

In addition to his work on healthcare and medical topics, Dr. Glickman researches statistical models, including for rating competitors in games and sports. He invented the Glicko and Glicko-2 rating systems, both of which have been adopted by gaming and online gaming organizations internationally.

Dr. Glickman has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, including in the American Journal of Public Health, The American Statistician, and Harvard Data Science Review. He is a current associate editor and former editor-in-chief of the Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, and served as an elected member of the American Statistical Association’s (ASA’s) board of directors. Dr. Glickman also chairs the ASA’s Committee on Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. In recognition of his achievements, he was elected Fellow of the ASA.

Dr. Glickman speaks internationally on topics related to statistics, biostatistics, data science, and Bayesian methodologies. He has delivered more than one hundred invited presentations at universities, professional meetings, and research institutions, such as the Yale School of Medicine, the International Statistical Institute’s World Statistics Congress, Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Royal Statistical Society, and the National Cancer Institute.

Before joining Harvard, Dr. Glickman served as Research Professor of Health Policy and Management at Boston University School of Public Health. He teaches courses in statistics and data science, and has received awards for teaching excellence. Dr. Glickman holds a Ph.D. in statistics from Harvard University.

Professional Affiliations
    • American Statistical Association (ASA)