Avi Goldfarb

Rotman Chair in Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare,
Professor of Marketing,
Rotman School of Management,
University of Toronto

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Avi Goldfarb is a prominent expert on the economics of information technology and digital markets. Professor Goldfarb specializes in online consumer behavior, as well as the impact of technology on marketing, competition, and healthcare. He analyzes an array of topics related to online advertising, including ad targeting, search engine advertising and pricing, crowdfunding platforms, consumer privacy, artificial intelligence, and branding.

Professor Goldfarb’s work has been cited by the White House and the European Commission. He has testified before the U.S. Senate Committee on the Judiciary about the digital advertising ecosystem, data privacy, and competition policy and regulation.

Professor Goldfarb has written extensively about the application of artificial intelligence and machine learning in business, particularly their impact on productivity, market power, innovation, and employment. He coauthored the book Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence, and coedited two academic volumes on Economic Analysis of the Digital Economy and The Economics of Artificial Intelligence: An Agenda.

Professor Goldfarb has published award-winning articles in such leading journals as Management Science, the Journal of Marketing Research, and the American Economic Review. He serves as a senior editor at Marketing Science. His research has also been cited in the Economist, the Financial Times, the New York Times, and the Wall Street Journal. Professor Goldfarb is a research associate in the Productivity, Innovation, and Entrepreneurship Program at the National Bureau of Economic Research.

At the Rotman School of Management, Professor Goldfarb has received multiple awards for excellence in teaching. He has held visiting appointments at Stanford Graduate School of Business, Columbia Business School, and Boston University. Professor Goldfarb serves as chief data scientist at the Creative Destruction Lab, a nonprofit organization that helps science-based startup companies to scale up. He also consults to organizations on digital and artificial intelligence strategy.


Privacy by the Numbers: Economic Costs and Benefits of Privacy Regulation


Privacy by the Numbers


22nd Annual International Industrial Organization Conference (IIOC)


72nd Antitrust Law Spring Meeting, American Bar Association