Anja Lambrecht

Professor of Marketing,
London Business School

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Anja Lambrecht is an authority on the digital economy, digital marketing, and algorithmic bias. Using econometric methods and field experiments, Professor Lambrecht researches issues related to online advertising, promotion, pricing, and consumer behavior on the internet.

In her recent work, Professor Lambrecht has investigated apparent algorithmic bias and discrimination on digital platforms. She has conducted award-winning research that evaluates the performance of dynamically targeted online advertising, as well as its impact on consumers’ decisions. Professor Lambrecht also addresses a range of topics related to digital pricing, notably freemium strategy in mobile app markets, and how nonlinear pricing affects consumers’ choice and usage behavior.

She has presented her research in a variety of settings, and has participated in panel discussions at the Federal Trade Commission on privacy regulations and their impact on competition and innovation. She has also presented at the European Commission on the economics of competition in data markets.

Professor Lambrecht’s articles have been published in the Journal of Marketing ResearchMarketing Science, and Management Science. The Journal of Marketing Research honored her with both the William F. O’Dell and the Paul E. Green best paper awards for significant contributions to marketing research, methodology, and/or practice. She has served on several editorial boards, and is associate editor at Marketing Science and the Journal of Marketing. The Marketing Science Institute has recognized Professor Lambrecht as one of the most promising scholars in the field of marketing.

At London Business School, Professor Lambrecht teaches courses in marketing, online advertising, and price discrimination. Previously, she held visiting academic positions at the UCLA Anderson School of Management and Stanford Graduate School of Business. Earlier in her career, Professor Lambrecht worked at McKinsey & Company, where she focused on marketing and sales projects in the software, media, and telecommunications industries.


5 Questions with Anja Lambrecht: Digital Advertising, Targeting, and Apparent Bias