John Asker
Armen A. Alchian Chair in Economic Theory and Professor of Economics,
University of California, Los Angeles;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research
Jonah Berger
Associate Professor of Marketing,
The Wharton School,
University of Pennsylvania
Juan Delgado
Lecturer, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid;
Former Chief Economist, Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC), Spain;
Managing Director, GAMES Economics
Ravi Dhar
George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing,
Director, Center for Customer Insights,
Yale School of Management;
Professor of Psychology, Yale University
Alexander Elbittar
Full Research Professor,
Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económicas (CIDE), Mexico;
Academic Advisor, GAMES Economics
John P. Fiebig
President and Cofounder,
ADIGEO Consulting LLC;
Former Senior Deputy Director, Division of Registration and Inspections,
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)
Gautam Gowrisankaran
Professor of Economics,
Columbia University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research
Dominique M. Hanssens
Distinguished Research Professor of Marketing,
UCLA Anderson School of Management,
University of California, Los Angeles;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research
John R. Hauser
Kirin Professor of Marketing,
MIT Sloan School of Management,
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
The individuals on our website represent a selection of the many leading experts with whom we work. Contact us if you have questions about additional experts or seek particular expertise.