Opt-Out Cases in Securities Class Action Settlements: 2014–2018 Update
Out of 382 securities class action settlements between 2014 and 2018, there were at least 34 cases in which one or more plaintiffs opted out to pursue separate litigation against…
Opt-Out Rate in Securities Class Action Settlements More Than Doubles in Most Recent Four-Year Period
Opt-outs remain more likely in higher-dollar settlements.
Policy and Economics in a Digital World
This Cornerstone Research event in London featured a presentation by Professor Jonathan Haskel, a member of the Monetary Policy Committee at the Bank of England.
Cornerstone Research Expands Los Angeles Presence with Office Move
The firm’s Los Angeles-based senior staff have led engagements in a broad range of complex disputes.
High Court Snub Raises Foreign Issuer Economic Concerns
In light of a denied petition from the U.S. Supreme Court, the authors discuss the challenges in foreign issuer cases that can be addressed with economic analysis.
Shareholders of Public Target Companies Challenge 82% of M&A Deals in 2018
Number of M&A deals challenged in state venues more than doubled, as Trulia impact stabilizes.
Shareholder Litigation Involving Acquisitions of Public Companies—Review of 2018 M&A Litigation
Shareholders of public target companies challenged 82% of merger and acquisition deals valued over $100 million in 2018, consistent with the previous year.
Cornerstone Research Names Rahul Guha CEO
Dr. Guha, who has led Cornerstone Research’s work in numerous high-profile matters, succeeds Michael E. Burton.
Post-Acquisition Dispute
The arbitrator awarded substantial damages to our client, a private equity firm.
New York Women’s Forum 2019: Creating a Culture of Courageous Conversations
Cornerstone Research hosted a networking event in New York with Professor Michelle Buck of the Kellogg School of Management.
Revisiting Guidance on MFN Terms
The authors discuss cases concerning most-favored nation clauses in this article for Competition Policy International’s Antitrust Chronicle.
How and When Economic Submissions Help Decision Makers in Merger Control Proceedings
Kostis Hatzitaskos discusses the significant role economics plays in merger cases across jurisdictions.