Privacy by the Numbers: Economic Costs and Benefits of Privacy Regulation
In an article for the ABA Antitrust Law Section, the authors review the economic literature on the effects of data privacy regulation on consumers and firms.
Securities Class Action Filing Activity Increased in First Half of 2024
Tracking of artificial intelligence–related filings began while the number of cryptocurrency-related filings declined.
Securities Class Action Filings—2024 Midyear Assessment
Tracking of artificial intelligence–related filings began while the number of cryptocurrency-related filings declined.
Our Curious Amalgam: How Do We Measure Innovation?
In an American Bar Association podcast, Penka Kovacheva of Cornerstone Research discussed how M&A affects innovation in the pharmaceutical industry.
Standard Essential Patents: Global Regulation and Litigation
Kirti Gupta of Cornerstone Research moderated a CSIS and LeadershIP webinar on government scrutiny of standard essential patents (SEPs) and the current litigation landscape.
Price Differences within Retail Gasoline Markets
The authors review pricing strategies for fueling stations and examine related price differentials within gasoline markets.
U.S. Natural Gas Marketed Production Reaches Record Highs
Ukraine War contributes to substantial increase in U.S. LNG exports to Europe.
Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions: Insights from FERC Form 552 Submissions as of July 17, 2023
Our latest report found that marketed production of natural gas reached record highs in the United States in 2022 as the U.S. became one of the leading exporters of liquefied…
Cornerstone Research Recognized in Chambers and Partners Litigation Support Guide 2024
For the sixth year in a row, Chambers and Partners has recognized Cornerstone Research as a leading provider of economic analysis in business litigation.
Mattson v. Milliman Inc.
The judge issued a post-trial decision in favor of the defense in this ERISA matter.
Antitrust Midwest 2024
Kavan Kucko will speak at this conference focused on the antitrust challenges facing key industries in the midwestern United States.
GCR Live: Law Leaders Europe 2024
Norbert Maier of Cornerstone Research will join a panel of antitrust attorneys at this annual competition law conference in Brussels.