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  • Securities Litigation
Showing 85 - 96 of 147

In re Northfield Laboratories, Inc., Securities Litigation

Counsel for the defendants retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of Harvard Business School to analyze economic issues pertinent to class certification in this matter.


In re Boston Scientific Corporation Securities Litigation

This Rule 10b-5 case involved allegations that the company withheld material information about alleged faults with a medical device that it eventually recalled.


Alex Tse et al. v. Ventana Medical Systems, Inc., et al.

Counsel for the defense retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Michael Gibbons of the Wharton School in this securities fraud lawsuit.


Allen T. Gilliland Trust et al. v. H&F MobileMedia Partners, LLC, et al.

In a case involving the wireless telecommunications industry, counsel for MobileMedia’s auditors retained Dr. Allan Kleidon, a senior vice president of Cornerstone Research, to analyze the plaintiffs’ decision to affirm…


American Pacific Securities Litigation

Counsel for American Pacific retained Cornerstone Research to assess liability and calculate potential damages in this class action securities litigation.


Ashanti Goldfields Securities Litigation

Counsel for the defendants retained Cornerstone Research in a securities class action involving securities issued by Ashanti Goldfields to support testifying experts on the issues of market efficiency, liability, and…


AST Research Securities Litigation

In this Rule 10b-5 securities suit brought against AST Research, a leading PC manufacturer, the plaintiffs alleged that AST’s management had manipulated various aspects of the accounting treatment of its…


Belo Corporation Securities Class Action

The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit recently upheld U.S. District Court Judge Sidney A. Fitzwater’s April 2, 2008, ruling that denied class certification in the Belo Corporation…


Biogen Securities Litigation

In a 10b-5 trial in the U.S. District Court in Boston that was closely watched by corporate counsel across the country, Cornerstone Research assisted counsel in their defense of Biogen,…


Danis v. USN Communications, Inc., et al.

In a class action against USN Communications (USN), the plaintiffs alleged that the company’s misstatements and omissions had misled the investing public regarding, among other things, USN’s billing capabilities.


Equitec Rollup Litigation

This case centered on a rollup transaction in which several real estate limited partnerships created by Equitec were combined into one publicly traded master limited partnership.


Everex Securities Litigation

Cornerstone Research was retained by counsel for Everex and its former chairman and CEO on issues of damages.

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