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  • Securities Litigation
Showing 61 - 72 of 147

Unsecured Creditors of Iridium v. Motorola, Inc.

In litigation arising from the high-profile bankruptcy of Iridium, a global provider of satellite telecommunications services, plaintiffs alleged that the more than $2 billion that Iridium paid Motorola to design,…


Janet Baker et al. v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. et al.

Counsel for Goldman Sachs retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School to value Dragon Systems at the time it was acquired by Lernout & Hauspie.


Brieger et al. v. Tellabs, Inc., et al.

In only the second post-Enron ERISA company stock drop case to go to trial, counsel for Tellabs, Inc., retained Cornerstone Research to support multiple experts.


Theodore E. Dean et al. v. China Agritech, Inc., et al.

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to respond to the analysis offered by the plaintiffs’ expert.


Damages Resulting from Investments in CDOs

Cornerstone Research was retained by counsel representing a brokerage firm that was accused of selling risky, unsuitable collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) to an asset management firm that subsequently declared bankruptcy.


SEC Proceeding Regarding Bond Fund Disclosures

The administrative law judge cited Cornerstone Research experts in her ruling related to issuer reporting and disclosure.


Air Communications & Satellite, Inc. v. EchoStar Satellite Corp.

In 2007, Echostar Communications Corp. (the Parent) decided to spin off some of its satellite assets to Echostar Corp. and change its name to DISH Network Corp (DISH).


“Fair Value” Appraisal of Minority Shares Held by Hedge Fund

Cornerstone Research was retained by counsel representing hedge fund minority shareholders of an electronic brokerage company.


In re John Q. Hammons Hotels Inc. Shareholder Litigation

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to conduct valuation analyses in this merger and acquisition transaction dispute.


Government Investigation

Cornerstone Research worked with several faculty members of the Stanford Graduate School of Business to analyze the pricing behavior of more than fifty securities suspected to have been influenced by…


Vesta Insurance Group, Inc., Securities Litigation

Shareholders sued the company and its auditors for securities fraud, claiming that the stock price was artificially inflated for the prior three years.


Ann I. Taylor et al. v. KeyCorp et al.

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to analyze the plaintiffs’ damages claims in this putative class action.

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