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  • Securities Litigation
Showing 49 - 60 of 147

In re BP p.l.c. Securities Litigation—June 2016 Ruling

U.S. District Court Judge Keith P. Ellison ruled on pending motions for summary judgment, granting numerous elements of the defendants’ motion and denying the plaintiffs’ motion in its entirety.


United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 880 Pension Fund et al. v. Chesapeake Energy Corporation et al.

The Tenth Circuit Appeals Court affirmed summary judgment based on lack of materiality in this securities class action.


In re Moody's Corporation Securities Litigation

The judge in this case denied class certification and granted the defendant’s motion for summary judgment, allowing Moody’s Corporation to settle on very favorable terms.


Market Efficiency Not Demonstrated

The judge in this Rule 10b-5 securities case ruled that being listed on NASDAQ and satisfying only some of the Cammer factors were not sufficient grounds for showing that a…


In re BP p.l.c. Securities Litigation—May 2014 Ruling

The court declined to certify the subclass covering the vast majority of the proposed class period and most allegations.


City of Pontiac Policemen’s and Firemen’s Retirement System et al. v. UBS AG et al.

The Second Circuit upheld the Southern District of New York’s decision on all counts in this UBS securities case, affirming the district court’s dismissal under Morrison v. National Australia Bank…


SEC Allegations of Insider Trading

Defense counsel retained Professor Emeritus William Beaver of Stanford University and Cornerstone Research on behalf of a former CEO of a publicly traded water treatment company.


Hedge Fund Contract Dispute

Counsel retained Professor Robert Whitelaw of New York University and Cornerstone Research to analyze hedge fund strategy.


In re Principal U.S. Property Account ERISA Litigation

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to assess the economic merits of the plaintiffs’ proposed class in a case of alleged breach of fiduciary duty.


IBEW Local 90 Pension Fund et al. v. Deutsche Bank AG et al.

The judge in this multibillion dollar securities class action granted our client’s Daubert motion and denied the opposing side’s motion for class certification.


Market Microstructure

Our work in this area has included numerous issues related to order handling, allegations of front running, rules involving price quoting, clearing and settlement, uncovered short sales, best execution, markups,…


Nancy George et al. v. China Automotive Systems Inc. et al.

Defense counsel retained Dr. Daniel M. Garrett, a vice president of Cornerstone Research, to respond to the analysis offered by the plaintiffs’ expert in this federal securities matter.

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