Benefits Offered by Early Versions of a High-Technology Product
In a nationwide class action, defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research and two economic experts to determine whether common evidence could address misrepresentation allegations.
Brokerage Company Advertising
In a class action involving a brokerage company, the plaintiffs alleged that they had experienced delays in accessing the brokerage system and executing trades.
Class Action Related to Discounting of Prices in Healthcare Products and Services
Cornerstone Research worked with a marketing professor to analyze whether the defendant’s everyday discounting of prices allegedly misled consumers.
Computer Hardware Product Features
In several class actions involving a computer hardware manufacturer, the plaintiffs alleged that the manufacturer had misrepresented one of the product’s features.
Customer Satisfaction and Effectiveness of Residential Building Products
In a class action suit, the plaintiffs alleged that the manufacturer’s windows were susceptible to certain types of leaks.
Disclosure of Transaction Fees
In multiple class actions against a large financial institution, the plaintiffs alleged that the defendant failed to disclose adequate information regarding the fees it charged on certain types of transactions.
Effectiveness of Fiber-Reinforced Composite Materials in Recreational Vehicles
Defense counsel retained a Cornerstone Research expert to identify factors that could affect the plaintiff’s sales, market share, and profitability.
Efficacy and Safety of Pharmaceutical Products
Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to determine whether common evidence could show that the alleged conduct caused higher prices.
Online Merchant’s Website
In a class action against an online merchant, the plaintiffs alleged that the merchant’s website was misleading and deceived its customers into enrolling in an Internet-based program without their knowledge…
Terms of Insurance Policies
The plaintiffs in this class action alleged that an insurance company had engaged in fraud and misrepresentation in its sales of a certain insurance product.
Anzai v. Chevron Corporation et al.
A state filed a lawsuit against several major oil companies for allegedly colluding to fix the price of gasoline, counsel for one of the oil companies.
Cedar Bay Generating Company v. Florida Power & Light Company
Cornerstone Research staff worked on behalf of Cedar Bay, an independent power project owned by PG&E National Energy Group, in this contract dispute with Florida Power & Light (FP&L).
How can we help you?
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