Options Backdating
Cornerstone Research has been at the vanguard of this issue, assisting clients in responding to a number of SEC investigations and civil suits.
Tax Implications of Alleged Options Backdating
Cornerstone Research analyzed corporate and individual tax treatments of employee stock options related to stock option backdating allegations.
Tax-Advantaged Transactions
Cornerstone Research evaluated the fundamental requirements for tax-advantaged transactions (also known as tax shelters) to be sustained if challenged by the IRS, including whether transactions had a reasonable business purpose.
United States of America v. David A. Stockman et al.
Counsel for the defense retained Cornerstone Research in the criminal action filed in the Southern District of New York, against David A. Stockman, former CEO of Collins & Aikman Corporation…
First Columbia Financial Corp. v. Price Waterhouse
A holding company alleged that the negligence of the auditor of its savings and loan subsidiary resulted in an accounting misstatement and claimed damages related to activities it would not…
In re Superior Offshore International, Inc. Securities Litigation
Counsel for defendants Superior Offshore International, Inc., its officers and directors, and underwriters of its initial public offering (IPO) retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Christopher James of the University of…
In re Flash Memory Antitrust Litigation
Counsel for the defendants retained Dr. Michael Keeley to analyze whether common evidence could be used to prove impact and damages in these putative class action price-fixing cases.
Asset Management
Cornerstone Research worked with attorneys representing a custodial bank that was sued by three pension funds whose asset portfolios had disappointing returns in a period of declining real estate markets.
Cienega Gardens et al. v. The United States
Counsel for the plaintiffs retained Cornerstone Research to estimate damages in a breach of contract suit brought against the U.S. government.
Claims Against a Home Builder
In a Rule 10b-5 class action brought against our client, a large home builder, Cornerstone Research examined the plaintiffs’ claims of misrepresentation, omissions, and damages.
Ground Lease Valuation
On behalf of an arbitration respondent, Cornerstone Research evaluated the impact of a disputed appraisal on the value of a ground lease.
Merger of RELPs into a REIT
This case involved a proposed merger of four public real estate limited partnerships (RELPs) into a single real estate investment trust (REIT).
How can we help you?
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