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Showing 313 - 324 of 563
Off-Label Marketing

Off-Label Marketing

Cornerstone Research has consulted with attorneys on government-initiated criminal and civil claims stemming from the alleged off-label marketing of major drugs.

Reimbursement Disputes

Reimbursement Disputes

Cornerstone Research has worked on multiple matters involving disputes over proper reimbursement for healthcare services or products.

Vesta Insurance Group, Inc., Securities Litigation

Vesta Insurance Group, Inc., Securities Litigation

Shareholders sued the company and its auditors for securities fraud, claiming that the stock price was artificially inflated for the prior three years.

Ann I. Taylor et al. v. KeyCorp et al.

Ann I. Taylor et al. v. KeyCorp et al.

Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to analyze the plaintiffs’ damages claims in this putative class action.

Defendants’ Trading Behavior

Defendants’ Trading Behavior

Cornerstone Research is often retained to analyze defendants’ prior trading activity as compared with accused illegal insider trades.

Department of Justice Litigation

Department of Justice Litigation

Cornerstone Research worked with an executive compensation expert for the defendant in a matter brought by the DOJ against a company executive.

Economic Benefit of the Trading Activity

Economic Benefit of the Trading Activity

In evaluating damages, the gains realized (or losses avoided) from the alleged trading activity are generally considered by the court.

Information Materiality

Information Materiality

Cornerstone Research has significant experience in conducting event study analyses for insider trading cases to evaluate the materiality of nonpublic information once it is disclosed.

Insider Trading

Insider Trading

Insider trading litigation remains a significant issue for public companies and their executives, board members, and other company insiders.

Market Timing

Market Timing

Cornerstone Research has investigated issues relating to market timing of mutual funds and insurance products.

Options Backdating

Options Backdating

Cornerstone Research has been at the vanguard of this issue, assisting clients in responding to a number of SEC investigations and civil suits.

Tax Implications of Alleged Options Backdating

Tax Implications of Alleged Options Backdating

Cornerstone Research analyzed corporate and individual tax treatments of employee stock options related to stock option backdating allegations.

How can we help you?

If you are looking for additional case experience examples, contact us.