In re Principal U.S. Property Account ERISA Litigation
Defense counsel retained Cornerstone Research to assess the economic merits of the plaintiffs’ proposed class in a case of alleged breach of fiduciary duty.
IBEW Local 90 Pension Fund et al. v. Deutsche Bank AG et al.
The judge in this multibillion dollar securities class action granted our client’s Daubert motion and denied the opposing side’s motion for class certification.
Market Microstructure
Our work in this area has included numerous issues related to order handling, allegations of front running, rules involving price quoting, clearing and settlement, uncovered short sales, best execution, markups,…
ERISA Class Certification
Cornerstone Research staff and experts have applied finance and investments knowledge and data analytics experience to class certification issues in dozens of ERISA matters.
Nancy George et al. v. China Automotive Systems Inc. et al.
Defense counsel retained Dr. Daniel M. Garrett, a vice president of Cornerstone Research, to respond to the analysis offered by the plaintiffs’ expert in this federal securities matter.
Construction Payment Dispute
The owner of a multi-billion dollar, mixed-use commercial project including hotels, residential high-rise buildings, retail space, and a casino faced lien litigation and large discrepancies between its own billing data…
Whistleblower Investigation
Cornerstone Research performed an independent forensic accounting of whistleblower claims of over-reimbursement and fraud by a large metropolitan area ambulance provider.
Energy Breach of Contract Case
The defendant, an electric utility, retained Cornerstone Research to analyze transactions that took place during the California electricity crisis from 2000 through 2001.
Power Integrations, Inc. v. Fairchild Semiconductor International, Inc. and Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation
Fairchild Semiconductor counsel retained Cornerstone Research and Michael Keeley to analyze damages claims by the plaintiff, Power Integrations, Inc., from alleged patent infringement in mobile charging technology.
Unsecured Creditors of Iridium v. Motorola, Inc.
In litigation arising from the high-profile bankruptcy of Iridium, a global provider of satellite telecommunications services, plaintiffs alleged that the more than $2 billion that Iridium paid Motorola to design,…
Cornerstone Research Coauthors Antitrust Amicus Brief for Supreme Court
Filing Details Economic Evidence Against Using a Presumption of Illegality for Reverse Payment Settlements of Pharmaceutical Patent Infringement Suits
Janet Baker et al. v. Goldman, Sachs & Co. et al.
Counsel for Goldman Sachs retained Cornerstone Research and Professor Paul Gompers of the Harvard Business School to value Dragon Systems at the time it was acquired by Lernout & Hauspie.
How can we help you?
If you are looking for additional case experience examples, contact us.