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Showing 229 - 240 of 564
Alleged Theft of Trade Secrets for a Drug in Development

Alleged Theft of Trade Secrets for a Drug in Development

Professor Sean Nicholson and Cornerstone Research analyzed the loss in value of a drug in development due to the advantage that the manufacturer of a competing drug in development obtained…

Southeastern Milk Antitrust Litigation

Southeastern Milk Antitrust Litigation

The judge denied class certification, citing our economic analysis for the defendants several times.

Breach of Contract for a Branded Drug

Breach of Contract for a Branded Drug

Cornerstone Research and an affiliated expert analyzed the impact on a branded drug's value when a pharmaceutical company interrupted the supply and promotion of the drug.

Section 337 Unfair Import Investigation of Medical Devices

Section 337 Unfair Import Investigation of Medical Devices

Cornerstone Research worked with a healthcare and competition expert in a patent infringement matter before the ITC.

In re Polyurethane Foam Antitrust Litigation

In re Polyurethane Foam Antitrust Litigation

Cornerstone Research responded to allegations of price fixing for a manufacturer/supplier of polyurethane foam products.

Class Certification Opposed on Behalf of Healthcare Provider

Class Certification Opposed on Behalf of Healthcare Provider

The judge denied the motion for class certification in its entirety in this case involving claims that a service provider reordered physician diagnosis codes.

United States of America ex rel. Susan Ruscher et al. v. Omnicare Inc. et al.

United States of America ex rel. Susan Ruscher et al. v. Omnicare Inc. et al.

The U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas, Houston Division, granted summary judgment for the defendant in this case involving healthcare payment and billing practices.

Reverse Payments Settlement Analysis

Reverse Payments Settlement Analysis

Cornerstone Research works with pharmaceutical companies to address evolving antitrust issues in the context of the U.S. Supreme Court decision in FTC v. Actavis.

Anderson News LLC et al. v. American Media Inc. et al.

Anderson News LLC et al. v. American Media Inc. et al.

The judge in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York granted the defendants’ motions for summary judgment in this magazine distribution antitrust case.

Cornerstone Research Staff and Expert Sign Amici Curiae Brief for U.S. First Circuit

Cornerstone Research Staff and Expert Sign Amici Curiae Brief for U.S. First Circuit

The brief addresses features of the settlement in Loestrin not yet addressed by courts reviewing alleged reverse payment settlements post-Actavis.

GE-Alstom Merger

GE-Alstom Merger

Cornerstone Research analyzed the competitive implications of the target company’s financial position in GE’s multibillion-dollar acquisition of Alstom’s energy-related business.

United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 880 Pension Fund et al. v. Chesapeake Energy Corporation et al.

United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 880 Pension Fund et al. v. Chesapeake Energy Corporation et al.

The Tenth Circuit Appeals Court affirmed summary judgment based on lack of materiality in this securities class action.

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