Kristin Feitzinger heads Cornerstone Research’s Silicon Valley office and serves on the firm’s board of directors. Ms. Feitzinger has more than three decades of experience addressing securities and valuation issues arising in class actions, breach of contract, and general damages litigation. Her experience spans all stages of the litigation process, including exposure analysis and settlement estimation; class certification; expert reports and depositions; summary judgment filings; and mediation, arbitration, trials, and regulatory agency hearings. Ms. Feitzinger is a frequent speaker on issues related to securities class and regulatory actions.
Securities and white collar
Ms. Feitzinger analyzes Rule 10b-5 and Section 11 matters, with a focus on disclosure cases involving equity and debt trades. Formerly a cohead Cornerstone Research’s securities litigation practice, she has consulted on more than one hundred securities cases, including some of the largest class actions in recent history. In these matters, she has led large teams to address all aspects of securities litigation, directing research related to class certification (market efficiency, price impact, Comcast, individual knowledge), loss causation, materiality, and damages issues.
Ms. Feitzinger also consults on Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) matters, analyzing issues such as materiality and loss causation due to options backdating, and executives’ alleged gains resulting from accounting misstatements.
Financial institutions and real estate
Ms. Feitzinger has addressed a range of matters involving financial institutions and real estate, including trials such as the Glendale Federal Bank breach of contract case. She also applies her financial expertise to litigation involving mortgage-backed securities, class certification issues such as market efficiency, differences among debt offerings and tranches, and differential knowledge among putative class members. Her work has also addressed issues of loss causation and damages.
Ms. Feitzinger provides valuation analyses in the context of breach of contract and merger and acquisition (M&A) deals. In M&A matters, she has assessed the appropriateness of valuation methodologies employed in fairness opinions, analyzed the effect of acquisition-related news on stock prices, and evaluated the sufficiency of control premia.
Economic Analysis at the Class Certification Stage of Exchange Act Securities Class Actions
United Food and Commercial Workers Union Local 880 Pension Fund et al. v. Chesapeake Energy Corporation et al.