What Does Blockchain Mean for Dispute Resolution?


Nicole Moran discusses how using blockchain technology in the collection and analysis of data and documents could affect dispute resolution.

The collection of data and documents is one of the most costly aspects of dispute resolution. Blockchain technology, which features centralized and distributed ledgers of market and financial data, may allow for more efficient collection and analyses of crucial data in a variety of disputes.

Dr. Moran uses examples from antitrust and competition, market manipulation, proxy voting, and class action settlements to demonstrate how blockchain may have as large an impact on disputes resolution as electronic discovery did.

This article appears in the Fall 2018 issue of the ABA’s Women Advocate newsletter and was reprinted in the Winter 2019 issue of the ABA’s Class Actions & Derivative Suits newsletter. This article was also reprinted in the September 2019 issue of the Financial Markets Association’s newsletter, Market Solutions.

The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the views of Cornerstone Research.

What Does Blockchain Mean for Dispute Resolution?


Nicole M. Moran
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Nicole M. Moran

Vice President