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Russell Molter


Pamela C. Moulton

Associate Professor,
Nolan School of Hotel Administration,
SC Johnson College of Business,
Cornell University

Helen A. Munter

CEO and Cofounder,
ADIGEO Consulting LLC;
Former Director, Division of Registration and Inspections,
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB)

Kevin J. Murphy

Kenneth L. Trefftzs Chair in Finance,
Professor of Finance and Business Economics,
USC Marshall School of Business;
Professor of Business and Law (by courtesy),
USC Gould School of Law,
University of Southern California

Kimberly Neuendorf

Professor, School of Communication,
Cleveland State University

Sean Nicholson

Professor, Department of Economics,
Professor, Brooks School of Public Policy,
Director, Sloan Program in Health Administration,
Cornell University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research

Sayeh Nikpay

Associate Professor, Division of Health Policy & Management,
School of Public Health,
University of Minnesota

Maureen O’Hara

Robert W. Purcell Professor of Finance,
Professor of Economics,
SC Johnson College of Business,
Cornell University

Dina Older Aguilar

Vice President

Yeşim Orhun

Associate Professor of Marketing,
Ross School of Business;
Associate Professor,
School of Information;
University of Michigan

David J. Otto

Independent Actuarial Consultant,
Otto Consulting Services, LLC

James A. Overdahl

Former Chief Economist,
Former Director, Office of Economic Analysis,
Securities and Exchange Commission;
Former Chief Economist,
Commodity Futures Trading Commission

John D. Owens

Independent Consultant;
Former Professor of the Practice, Leventhal School of Accounting,
Marshall School of Business,
University of Southern California;
Former Audit Partner, KPMG LLP

Paul Oyer

The Mary and Rankine Van Anda Entrepreneurial Professor and Professor of Economics,
Stanford Graduate School of Business;
Senior Fellow, Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research;
Stanford University

Ariel Pakes

Thomas Professor of Economics,
Harvard University;
Senior Advisor, Cornerstone Research


The individuals on our website represent a selection of the many leading experts with whom we work. Contact us if you have questions about additional experts or seek particular expertise.