Andrew J. Leone

Keith I. DeLashmutt Professor of Accounting Information & Management,
Kellogg School of Management,
Northwestern University

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Andrew Leone is an expert in capital market accounting, corporate disclosures, and corporate finance. Using empirical techniques that include event studies, valuation models, and text analysis, Professor Leone has conducted extensive research on the roles that accounting information and financial disclosures play in contracting and the capital markets.

Professor Leone has analyzed financial reporting complexities, accounting restatements, financial analysts’ forecasting ability, and IPOs, among other topics. He has studied financial reporting issues arising in a variety of industries, notably banking, healthcare, and retail. He has been retained as an expert witness addressing issues related to price impact, restatements, and financial reporting in the context of securities cases.

Professor Leone’s research has been honored with multiple awards, including the American Accounting Association’s annual recognition for Distinguished Contributions to the Literature. He has published articles in such leading academic journals as The Accounting Review, the Journal of Accounting Research, the Journal of Health Economics, and Management Science. In addition, Professor Leone has served on several editorial boards; as a referee for numerous business and economics publications; and as associate editor of the Journal of Accounting and Economics.

Professor Leone has more than twenty years of teaching experience. Prior to joining Kellogg, he was the Warren Johnson Chair of Accounting at the University of Miami’s School of Business Administration. He also served as associate professor of accounting at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business, and, previously, at the University of Rochester’s Simon Business School. He has held visiting appointments at the University of Chicago and the University of Michigan.